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Duel spec patch. No author info included?

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Hi there,

Me and Skilly created a duel specialization patch for our server @ *********************************************************

The code made its way to the forum - why was no author info included?

If you are using my script, atleast include the author info before using it.


Before bitching about other not following gudelines.. Might want to read the rules here yourself ;) Posting a link to a public server is against the rules. Also

what proof do you have that patch is yours? I see this thread as nothing more then "hey gimmee attention oh and go see my server too!"

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Proving authorship in any open source project can be problematic, at best. Because so much code is freely shared, it's easy for the origins of a particular patch or code block to become lost.

You can give weight to your claims by showing a repository where the time stamps on your commits pre-date the earliest release of Dual Spec here in these forums or at least offer up early alpha versions that demonstrate you were the likely author.

The trouble with this is open source software is communal, where software is created out of a sense of generosity for the public good. By that definition, a project is greater than the sum of its parts and allows little room for one developer to claim too much credit, if any, for a project's growth. Otherwise, you start running into the issues of copyright and personal property that has caused commercial software to become a legal and financial minefield for the ordinary user.

The best way to view this is to be happy your code got out there and know in your heart that it was your unique brand of genius that made Dual Spec possible. If you are indeed the true author, then I sincerely hope you will receive due recognition for your efforts. Either way, know that there are a good many people that now enjoy having this feature working on their servers and do your best to participate in the topic for Dual Spec to ensure its development and improvement is sound and reliable, as only its creator could.

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