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[SCRIPT] phplib-mangosoap: Library/Class for MaNGOS SOAP interface

Guest fdb_

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Hi everyone,

Here is my PHP interface for the MaNGOS SOAP connector.

First is a Python script to generate the commands list from the mangos.sql file.

Here is the source code:


import re

cmdList = dict()

fd = open('mangos.sql', 'r')
flag_command_found = False
pattern = re.compile("^\\('(.*)',(.|'|)([0-9])(.|'|),
for line in fd:
   if flag_command_found == False:
       if re.search('^INSERT INTO `command` VALUES$', line):
           flag_command_found = True
   #print line
   tmp = re.search(pattern, line)
   if tmp == None or line == "":
   info = tmp.group(6).replace('\\\\r', ' ')
   info = info.replace('\\\\n', '')
   info = info.replace('\\\\', '')
   info = info.replace('$', '\\$')
   info = info.replace('"', '\\\\"')
   cmdList[tmp.group(1)] = [tmp.group(3), info]

fd = open('phplib-mangosoap-commands.php', 'w')
for cmd, [level, info] in cmdList.iteritems():
   fd.write("\\t$commands['" + str(cmd) + "'] = array(" + str(level) + ', "' + str(info) + '");\\n')

Now the main PHP class:


class MaNGOSOAPClient
   private $username=null;
   private $password=null;
   private $url=null;
   private $commands = array();
   private $session = null;
   private $persistent = true;
   private $maxcmdsize = 4;
   private $error_msg = null;

   // Input: Command string
   // Return: Numeric means something wrong happened
   //         1 => Already connected
   //         2 => Missing config settings
   //         3 => Connection error
   //         4 => Command not found
   //         5 => Command failed
   //         String with the command result
   public function SendCommand($p_command)
       // Check if command exists in our commands list
       $cmdArray = explode(' ', $p_command, $this->maxcmdsize);
       $cmd = array_shift($cmdArray);
       $count = 0;
       for ($i=0; $i<$this->maxcmdsize; $i++)
           $cmd .= ' '.array_shift($cmdArray);

       // Command not found, return an error
       if ($count >= $this->maxcmdsize)
           $this->error_msg = 'Command not found';
           return 4;

       // Hoho somebody forget to connect before sending commands
       // lets connect
       if ($this->session == null && $this->persistent)
           if ($ret = $this->Connect())
               return $ret;

       if ($this->session != null && !$this->persistent)
           if ($ret = $this->Connect())
               return $ret;

       $result = null;
           $result = $this->session->executeCommand(new SoapParam($p_command, "command"));
       catch (Exception $e)
           $this->error_msg = "Command failed! Reason: ".$e->getMessage();
           return 5;

       if ($this->session != null && $this->persistent)

       return $result;

   // Input: Nothing
   // Output: 0 => Connection OK
   //         1 => Already connected
   //         2 => Missing config settings
   //         3 => Connection error
   private function Connect()
       if ($this->session != null)
           $this->error_msg = 'Already connected';
           return 1;
       if ($this->username == null || $this->password == null || $this->url == null)
           $this->error_msg = 'Missing config settings';
           return 2;
       $this->session = new SoapClient(null, array( 'location' => $this->url,
                                              'uri' => "urn:MaNGOS",
                                              'style' => SOAP_RPC,
                                              'login' => $this->username,
                                              'password' => $this->password

   // Input: Nothing
   private function Disconnect()
       if ($this->session != null)
           $this->session = null;

   // Input: Array of commands
   //        Sets the class commands list.
   public function SetCommandsList($p_cmdList)
       $this->commands = $p_cmdList;

   // Input: Username
   //        Sets the username.
   public function SetUsername($p_username)
       $this->username = $p_username;

   // Input: Password
   //        Sets the password.
   public function SetPassword($p_pwd)
       $this->password = $p_pwd;

   // Input: Url
   //        Sets the soap url.
   public function SetUrl($p_url)
       $this->url = $p_url;

   // Input: Nothing
   //        Return full commands list.
   public function GetCommandsList()
       return $this->commands;

   // Input: Command
   //        Return an array(command level, command help).
   public function GetCommandInfo($p_command)
       $rett = null;
       if (array_key_exists($p_command, $this->commands))
           $rett = $this->commands[$p_command];
       return $rett;

   // Input: Nothing
   //        Return the current username.
   public function GetUsername()
       return $this->username;

   // Input: Nothing
   //        Return the current password.
   public function GetPassword()
       return $this->password;

   // Input: Nothing
   //        Return the server URL.
   public function GetUrl()
       return $this->url;

   // Input: Nothing
   //        Return the last error message.
   public function GetErrorMsg()
       return $this->error_msg;

   // Input: true or false
   //        Sets the session persistence
   //  true: keep session up until the object is destroyed
   //  false: each send command will send a reconnect
   public function SetSessionPersistence($p_bool=true)
       $this->persistent = $p_bool;



Finally the simple example:



// The 2 following lines are needed,
// first to create the object,
// the other to populate the commands inside the object
$msoap = new MaNGOSOAPClient();

// Some examples there

// SendCommand needs user/pwd and server url

// Send learn....
$result = $msoap->SendCommand('server info');

// Send false command leard....
$result = $msoap->SendCommand('leard hello');
// Error check
if (is_numeric($result))
   // Print error code
   // Print error msg


Here are a link to download the full package including the generated commands list.


I hope you enjoy it ;)

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