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Required 9990_01_mangos_spell_chain

Guest shindig187

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I can't seem to find the required file needed to get my mangos server up and running again... :-/ I updated w/the latest update, and now it states that 9990_01_mangos_spell_chain is required, however I can't seem to find this in any of the update folders.

Any help on this would be appreciated

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ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_9988_01_mangos_spell_chain required_9990_01_mangos_spell_chain bit;

DELETE FROM `spell_chain` WHERE `spell_id` IN (61024,61316);

INSERT INTO `spell_chain` (`spell_id`, `prev_spell`, `first_spell`, `rank`, `req_spell`) VALUES

/*Dalaran Intellect*/


/*Dalaran Brilliance*/


the copy from sql

and next:

ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_9990_01_mangos_spell_chain required_10008_01_mangos_db_verison bit;

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thanks very much, I am now getting an error that says the following :

"SQL : SELECT * FROM db_version LIMIT1

The table 'db_version' in your [WORLD] database indicates that this database is out of date! [0ms] SQL: SET NAMES 'utf8"

[0 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8" [A] You have: --> '10008_01_mangos_db_version.sql

You need: --> '9967_01_mangos_spell_proc_event.sql'

You must apply all updates after [A] to to use mangos with this database. These updates are included in the sql/updates folder.

Please read the included [README] in sql/updates for instructions on updating."

I get this even after the fix you listed above and I've gone back and updates with the 9967_01_mangos_spell_proc_event.sql and then installed all of the updates following that one. (which were in the updates folder i created on my computer that connects online), however, i continue to get the same error. Not sure what to do as it would seem that it's telling me to go backward. should I just delete the DB and start over?

Thanks again

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