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[Bug] Creature Corpses Not Expiring When no player is near

Auntie Mangos

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  • 40 years later...

Mangos Version: 10006

Custom Patches: None

SD2 Version:

Database Name and Version : YTDB latest

How it SHOULD work: Creature corpses should despawn, regardless of who is near.

How it DOES work: For some reason on my server creature corpses do not decay unless player has them on-screen. I set a particular creature for 60s respawn time, killed it, looted it and .tele away. When I returned 3 minutes later, the corpse was still there, and of course the creature had not respawned.

This has been noticed by players when dealing with creatures whose respawn is much higher (30 miuntes, I think)... they would come by, notice that the creature was dead, leave, and then come back much later only to see the same corpse. I don't really know enough about the way the core goes together to speculate, but anecdotaly it seems as though the timer or event loop for the creature does not run when no player is nearby to observe it. Even the timer for spawntime is not decreasing, it seems.

My local git repo has been used for several revisions, and I have done numerous merges from master, etc. At one point, I was using an unofficial Dual Talent Spec patch, and one for extended chat logging. Those are both in the official source now, and those systems seem to be working OK, but I cannot say for sure that my source tree does not contain at least SOME of that code. I am going to pull a fresh clone tonight and build again, to see if this issue goes away. Someone who has a moment, please test it.

Here is how you could test:

With a GM, find an empty zone and summon a new NPC (.npc add ####) and set his spawn time to 60 seconds. (.npc spawntime 60). Then .die the NPC, and loot it. Check his spawn time on .npc info and .tele to some other area. Wait until the entire "current" spawntime from your .npc info has passed, and .recall yourself there. On my server, the corpse was still laying there. In at least one case, it seemed to respawn as soon as I came near. In others, I could .npc info again, and see that not much of the counter had run at all.

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