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Headaches? or just something simple im missing?

Guest gps08

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Hi guys.

I created a creature temp to replace Valithras in the server I'm helping admin. I injected it to DB with mysql and restarted server. Now that's routine and I have done that with loads of custom bosses etc...

The problem is, I can't spawn the creature....

If I .lo creature (Boss name) it appears in my search results. ID 90128.... its not that hard and impossible to get the ID wrong. Now, I have double, triple and quadruple checked the code, deleted and re-injected the code and nothing seems to be working......

I don't think the code is wrong, but you never know... after staring at codes for hours inna row, you kinda miss obvious stuff, plus, im no pro at this... well here's the code...

insert into `creature_template` (`entry`, `modelid_A`, `modelid_A2`, `modelid_H`, `modelid_H2`, `name`, `subname`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `minhealth`, `maxhealth`, `minmana`, `maxmana`, `armor`, `faction_A`, `faction_H`, `npcflag`, `speed_walk`, `speed_run`, `scale`, `rank`, `mindmg`, `maxdmg`, `baseattacktime`, `family`, `type`, `resistance1`, `resistance2`, `resistance3`, `resistance4`, `resistance5`, `resistance6`, `mingold`, `maxgold`)

values ('90128', '37967', '0', '0', '0', "Boyd Schidt", "Valithras Loot Keeper", '90', '90', '28000000', '28000000', '0', '0', '10000', '14', '14', '0', '2.50', '8.00', '1.2', '3', '7500', '9000', '3000', '0', '6', '80', '80', '80', '80', '80', '80', '0', '0');

Appreciate any sort of input or help.

Thanks for reading, Cheers.

Edit - Oh, and sorry if this is not mangos related =s

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