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Crash on server

Guest SoulHunt

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Hey guys,

I have since yesterday my server running and now a day later I get some crashes.

I'm using the latest mangos build, the latest udb, scriptdev2 and acid build.

This is the error / crash.

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address:  7127D0D3 01:0007C0D3 C:\\Windows\\system32\\MSVCR100.dll

SS:ESP:0023:02567B2C  EBP:02567DB0
DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
7127D0D3  00000000  _vcwprintf_s+194F
71264092  00000000  fprintf+E0
0044DB09  00000000  vutf8printf+89
004483F9  00000000  Log::outDebug+59
00451486  00000000  DatabaseMysql::DirectExecute+116
004554C9  00000000  SqlTransaction::Execute+99
0045609B  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+10B
004537E4  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+34
72C45AB4  00000000  ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter::invoke+74
7125C6DE  00000000  _endthreadex+3A
7125C788  00000000  _endthreadex+E4
76541194  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
76FFB3F5  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
76FFB3C8  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
76FE64F4  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
7653F003  00000000  WaitForSingleObjectEx+43
7653EFB2  00000000  WaitForSingleObject+12
72BFA553  00000000  ACE_OS::thr_join+23
72C6C511  00000000  ACE_Thread_Manager::wait_task+1E1
72C682EF  00000000  ACE_Task_Base::wait+F
005ED02F  00000000  WorldSocketMgr::Wait+1F
00443953  00000000  Master::Run+603
00446F53  00000000  __tmainCRTStartup+122
76541194  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
76FFB3F5  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
76FFB3C8  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
76FE64F4  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
76541194  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
76FFB3F5  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
76FFB3C8  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
76FE64F4  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
75351818  00000000  Sleep+F
00452EFD  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+3D
00455FF4  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+64
004537E4  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+34
72C45AB4  00000000  ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter::invoke+74
7125C6DE  00000000  _endthreadex+3A
7125C788  00000000  _endthreadex+E4
76541194  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
76FFB3F5  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
76FFB3C8  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
76FE64F4  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
02566D64  00000000  0000:00000000 
54B415FF  00000000  

Does anyone ever seen this crash?

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