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I dropped the SOAP but I don't have a list of functions to find it again!

Guest Kane Hart

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Woooow lame.... LOL Anyways is the correct term called functions?

You know when you go to php.net and such you got a list of integers and whatever.

Is their a list I want to know How much soap can work with php.

Teleports, Character Edit?, even core functions like all or any gm commands like learn skill the works..

Is their a list?

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If you use SOAP or RA (same command lists used for both) you can use "help" or "commands" to get the list of commands

to send only mail use,

send mail #playername "#subject" "#text"

to send items use

send items #playername "#subject" "#text" itemid1[:count1]

If you want to mess with making in-game commands accesible from RA/SOAP (or making your own) they are in src/game/Chat.cpp

the structure is

"command", SECURITY_LEVEL, (console access?)true|false, Handler, "", commandSubTable

If you look at the file it makes more sense than my example

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