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Calculate Character XY Coordinates?


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Is there a way to use the data in the database to calculate a character's relative coordinates on any given map in the form of X:[0-100],Y:[0-100]

There's a macro for the client that can report this, and is used on many 3rd-party sites to give the location of an object relative to the map it's in.

I would like to be able to query the DB and return these simplified percent based coords rather than the ones that are stored in the DB so i can display character locations on a text output page. I know there's the .gps command, however this returns coordinates relative to (i assume) the world, not the map

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There is this function in mangos:

bool Map2ZoneCoordinates(float& x,float& y,uint32 zone)
   WorldMapAreaEntry const* maEntry = sWorldMapAreaStore.LookupEntry(zone);

   // if not listed then map coordinates (instance)
   if (!maEntry || maEntry->x2 == maEntry->x1 || maEntry->y2 == maEntry->y1)
       return false;

   x = (x-maEntry->x1)/((maEntry->x2-maEntry->x1)/100);
   y = (y-maEntry->y1)/((maEntry->y2-maEntry->y1)/100);    // client y coord from top to down
   std::swap(x,y);                                         // client have map coords swapped

   return true;

If you put in the X and Y world co-ords (such as from .gps) and the zone ID, it will give you the 0-100 co-ords like in the client. This is also outputed when you use .gps (I think it says zone co-ords or something similar.)

Basically, in WorldMapArea.dbc is a list of zones and their boundaries in x1, x2, y1, y2. To convert world co-ordinates into zone co-ordinates, take them, subtract the first boundary co-ordinate, then divide it by the second bounary subtracted by the first boundary, then divide by 100, then swap the X and Y.

For example, let's say you are are at co-ordinates (90, 50) in the world and the zone's bounaries are x1: 100 x2 10 y1 60 y2 0, then you would do

    x = (x - x1) / ((x2 - x1) / 100)
   y = (y - y1) / ((y2 - y1) / 100)

   x = (90 - 100) / ((10 - 100) / 100)
   y = (50 - 60) / ((0 - 60) / 100)

   x = (-10) / ((-90) / 100)
   y = (-10) / ((-60) / 100)

   x = (-10) / (-0.9)
   y = (-10) / (-0.6)

   x = 11.11
   y = 16.67

   then swap these 2

   x = 16.67, y = 11.11

Note that x1 and y1 are always bigger than x2 and y2.

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