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[10158] shaman weapon enchants stacking

Guest Ceris

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mangos: 10158

database: UDB 391

ACID: 3.0.4

affected spells:

http://www.wowhead.com/spell=29080 (all ranks)

how it should work:

shaman should have active only one shaman weapon enchant at one time on one weapon

how it is working now:

shaman could have more than one active shaman weapon enchant at one time on one weapon

how to reproduce:

1) learn dual spec

2) set your first talent spec as active

3) put 3 points to elemental weapons talent

4) reset talents at your second spec and dont put any points in that spec

5) relog - this is very important

6) switch to first talent spec

7) equip weapon to main hand slot, dont put weapon into your off hand slot

8) apply for example earthliving weapon enchant to your equipped weapon

9) try cast some heals to ensure that earthliving is realy procing

10) switch to second spec

11) apply for example windfury weapon enchant to the same weapon on which you already have earthliving weapon enchant

12) go hit some mobs to ensure that windfury is proccing

13) cast some heals => earthliving is proccing also

this stacking only happens when you learn different ranks of elemental weapons in each talent spec. If you put same number of talent points to elemental weapons in each spec and then relog, this stacking will not happen.

Also game always work with the talent settings which you have when you logged in, so if you have for example one talent in elemental weapons in both talent specs when you logged in, then added one talent point in elemental weapons in one spec, and if you dont relog, then the game will be behaving the same as you had only one talent point in elemental weapons in each talent spec, so the stacking didnt occur. So reloging is very important here.

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yes, i struggled with flametongue weapon + elemental weapons. player switch spec receive 2xspell power bonus. soultion was removing temp enchants at spec switch. unfortunately i don't have access to shaman on retail acc to checkout how it is solved on offi

I have access, is the problem still there?

If yes, what should I test? :)

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I have access, is the problem still there?

If yes, what should I test? :)

equip one weapon, put some shaman enchant on that weapon, switch to second spec, look on your weapon if weapon enchant is still there. If it isnt there, then put another shaman enchant on your weapon and switch back to first spec, and again look, if you had enchant on weapon. And try it with different enchants

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according to my informations from retail, shaman weapon enchant stays the same when you switch specs. So no removing on spec switch. But it looks like different ranks of elemental weapons in each spec adds something like "slots" for enchants and then after spec switch enchants in all these slots have chance to proc. With same amount of talent points in elemental weapons in both specs, this is not happening

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