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[10246] Crash

Guest The_Game_Master

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Rev: 10246

Core info: tryed in my custom core and with clean mangos source afterwards. It crahses in same places.

SpellAuras.cpp line 2624 -> if (target->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT)

I tryed adding a IsInWorld check and that moved the crash here.

CreatureAISelector.cpp line 37 -> if(CreatureAI* scriptedAI = Script->GetAI(creature))

Or may have been 2 diffrent crashes. I'm not very familiar with VC++ 08 debuging, but it seems more easyer then GDB. :)

It was working fine a few revisions ago. No SD2 was used in both tests.

I believe the problem is here http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/424989c5f2804b42830fe082455ae0be4d9372f4 in Creature.cpp, i don't think

CreatureInfo const *cinfo = GetCreatureInfo(); should have been removed.

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CreatureAISelector.cpp line 37 -> if(CreatureAI* scriptedAI = Script->GetAI(creature))

happened to me If I had ScriptDev DLLs but forgot to recompile them (so they are not loaded)

Every time You compile core You must compile scripts too so they get linked (either it will crash at this point from creature that have AI assigned)

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