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What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

fixes damage resist logs sometimes showing

remove discrepancies in use of Unit::SendAttackStateUpdate() and Unit::SendSpellNonMeleeDamageLog(), where 'damage' parameter was sometime used for total damage (damage + resisted + absorbed + blocked), sometimes just for actual damage - now it should be used just for real damage

fixes enviromental damage not being really resisted/absorbed although there are some resists/absorbs in log

For which SubVersion revision was the patch created?

6767 (no GIT, sorry)

Is there a thread in the bug report section? If yes, please add a link to the thread.

maybe here: http://getmangos.eu/community/viewtopic.php?id=3175

Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


Index: SpellEffects.cpp
--- SpellEffects.cpp    (revision 6767)
+++ SpellEffects.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -288,9 +288,11 @@

    m_caster->CalcAbsorbResist(m_caster,GetSpellSchoolMask(m_spellInfo), SPELL_DIRECT_DAMAGE, damage, &absorb, &resist);

-    m_caster->SendSpellNonMeleeDamageLog(m_caster, m_spellInfo->Id, damage, GetSpellSchoolMask(m_spellInfo), absorb, resist, false, 0, false);
+    uint32 realdamage = (damage <= absorb + resist) ? 0 : damage - absorb - resist;
+    m_caster->SendSpellNonMeleeDamageLog(m_caster, m_spellInfo->Id, realdamage, GetSpellSchoolMask(m_spellInfo), absorb, resist, false, 0, false);
    if(m_caster->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER)
-        ((Player*)m_caster)->EnvironmentalDamage(m_caster->GetGUID(),DAMAGE_FIRE,damage);
+        ((Player*)m_caster)->EnvironmentalDamage(m_caster->GetGUID(),DAMAGE_FIRE,realdamage);

void Spell::EffectSchoolDMG(uint32 effect_idx)
@@ -4340,11 +4342,7 @@

    m_caster->DoAttackDamage(unitTarget, &eff_damage, &cleanDamage, &blocked_dmg, m_spellSchoolMask, &hitInfo, &victimState, &absorbed_dmg, &resisted_dmg, m_attackType, m_spellInfo, m_IsTriggeredSpell);

-    if ((hitInfo & nohitMask) && m_attackType != RANGED_ATTACK)  // not send ranged miss/etc
-        m_caster->SendAttackStateUpdate(hitInfo & nohitMask, unitTarget, 1, m_spellSchoolMask, eff_damage, absorbed_dmg, resisted_dmg, VICTIMSTATE_NORMAL, blocked_dmg);
    bool criticalhit = (hitInfo & HITINFO_CRITICALHIT);
-    m_caster->SendSpellNonMeleeDamageLog(unitTarget, m_spellInfo->Id, eff_damage, m_spellSchoolMask, absorbed_dmg, resisted_dmg, false, blocked_dmg, criticalhit);

    if (eff_damage > (absorbed_dmg + resisted_dmg + blocked_dmg))
@@ -4356,6 +4354,10 @@
        eff_damage = 0;

+    if ((hitInfo & nohitMask) && m_attackType != RANGED_ATTACK)  // not send ranged miss/etc
+        m_caster->SendAttackStateUpdate(hitInfo & nohitMask, unitTarget, 1, m_spellSchoolMask, eff_damage, absorbed_dmg, resisted_dmg, VICTIMSTATE_NORMAL, blocked_dmg);
+    m_caster->SendSpellNonMeleeDamageLog(unitTarget, m_spellInfo->Id, eff_damage, m_spellSchoolMask, absorbed_dmg, resisted_dmg, false, blocked_dmg, criticalhit);
    // SPELL_SCHOOL_NORMAL use for weapon-like threat and rage calculation
    m_caster->DealDamage(unitTarget, eff_damage, &cleanDamage, SPELL_DIRECT_DAMAGE, SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL, NULL, true);

Index: Unit.cpp
--- Unit.cpp    (revision 6767)
+++ Unit.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@

            //Send resist
-            SendAttackStateUpdate(HitInfo, pVictim, 1, GetSpellSchoolMask(spellInfo), damage, absorb,resist,VICTIMSTATE_NORMAL,0);
+            SendAttackStateUpdate(HitInfo, pVictim, 1, GetSpellSchoolMask(spellInfo), 0, absorb,resist,VICTIMSTATE_NORMAL,0);
            return 0;

@@ -2225,17 +2225,17 @@

    if (hitInfo & HITINFO_MISS)
        //send miss
-        SendAttackStateUpdate (hitInfo, pVictim, 1, meleeSchoolMask, damage, absorbed_dmg, resisted_dmg, victimState, blocked_dmg);
+        SendAttackStateUpdate (hitInfo, pVictim, 1, meleeSchoolMask, 0, 0, 0, victimState, 0);
-        //do animation
-        SendAttackStateUpdate (hitInfo, pVictim, 1, meleeSchoolMask, damage, absorbed_dmg, resisted_dmg, victimState, blocked_dmg);
        if (damage > (absorbed_dmg + resisted_dmg + blocked_dmg))
            damage -= (absorbed_dmg + resisted_dmg + blocked_dmg);
            damage = 0;

+        //do animation
+        SendAttackStateUpdate (hitInfo, pVictim, 1, meleeSchoolMask, damage, absorbed_dmg, resisted_dmg, victimState, blocked_dmg);
        DealDamage (pVictim, damage, &cleanDamage, DIRECT_DAMAGE, meleeSchoolMask, NULL, true);

        if(GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && pVictim->isAlive())
@@ -4343,7 +4343,7 @@
    data << uint32(SpellID);
-    data << uint32(Damage-AbsorbedDamage-Resist-Blocked);
+    data << uint32(Damage);
    data << uint8(damageSchoolMask);                        // spell school
    data << uint32(AbsorbedDamage);                         // AbsorbedDamage
    data << uint32(Resist);                                 // resist
@@ -4377,15 +4377,15 @@
    data << (uint32)HitInfo;
-    data << (uint32)(Damage-AbsorbDamage-Resist-BlockedAmount);
+    data << (uint32)Damage;

    data << (uint8)SwingType;                               // count?

    // for(i = 0; i < SwingType; ++i)
    data << (uint32)damageSchoolMask;
-    data << (float)(Damage-AbsorbDamage-Resist-BlockedAmount);
+    data << (float)Damage;
    // still need to double check damage
-    data << (uint32)(Damage-AbsorbDamage-Resist-BlockedAmount);
+    data << (uint32)Damage;
    data << (uint32)AbsorbDamage;
    data << (uint32)Resist;
    // end loop
Index: SpellAuras.cpp
--- SpellAuras.cpp    (revision 6767)
+++ SpellAuras.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -5639,6 +5639,8 @@

            pCaster->CalcAbsorbResist(m_target, GetSpellSchoolMask(GetSpellProto()), DOT, pdamage, &absorb, &resist);

+            uint32 realdamage = (pdamage <= absorb+resist) ? 0 : pdamage - absorb - resist;
            sLog.outDetail("PeriodicTick: %u (TypeId: %u) attacked %u (TypeId: %u) for %u dmg inflicted by %u abs is %u",
                GetCasterGUID(), GuidHigh2TypeId(GUID_HIPART(GetCasterGUID())), m_target->GetGUIDLow(), m_target->GetTypeId(), pdamage, GetId(),absorb);

@@ -5648,7 +5650,7 @@
            data << uint32(GetId());
            data << uint32(1);
            data << uint32(m_modifier.m_auraname);
-            data << (uint32)pdamage;
+            data << (uint32)realdamage;
            data << (uint32)GetSpellSchoolMask(GetSpellProto()); // will be mask in 2.4.x
            data << (uint32)absorb;
            data << (uint32)resist;
@@ -5657,11 +5659,11 @@
            Unit* target = m_target;                        // aura can be deleted in DealDamage
            SpellEntry const* spellProto = GetSpellProto();

-            pCaster->DealDamage(m_target, (pdamage <= absorb+resist) ? 0 : (pdamage-absorb-resist), &cleanDamage, DOT, GetSpellSchoolMask(GetSpellProto()), GetSpellProto(), true);
+            pCaster->DealDamage(m_target, realdamage, &cleanDamage, DOT, GetSpellSchoolMask(GetSpellProto()), GetSpellProto(), true);

            // DO NOT ACCESS MEMBERS OF THE AURA FROM NOW ON (DealDamage can delete aura)

-            pCaster->ProcDamageAndSpell(target, PROC_FLAG_HIT_SPELL, PROC_FLAG_TAKE_DAMAGE, (pdamage <= absorb+resist) ? 0 : (pdamage-absorb-resist), GetSpellSchoolMask(spellProto), spellProto);
+            pCaster->ProcDamageAndSpell(target, PROC_FLAG_HIT_SPELL, PROC_FLAG_TAKE_DAMAGE, realdamage, GetSpellSchoolMask(spellProto), spellProto);
@@ -5757,6 +5759,8 @@

            pCaster->CalcAbsorbResist(m_target, GetSpellSchoolMask(GetSpellProto()), DOT, pdamage, &absorb, &resist);

+            pdamage = (pdamage <= absorb+resist) ? 0 : pdamage - absorb - resist;
            if(m_target->GetHealth() < pdamage)
                pdamage = uint32(m_target->GetHealth());

@@ -5765,12 +5769,11 @@

            pCaster->SendSpellNonMeleeDamageLog(m_target, GetId(), pdamage, GetSpellSchoolMask(GetSpellProto()), absorb, resist, false, 0);

            Unit* target = m_target;                        // aura can be deleted in DealDamage
            SpellEntry const* spellProto = GetSpellProto();
            float multiplier = spellProto->EffectMultipleValue[GetEffIndex()] > 0 ? spellProto->EffectMultipleValue[GetEffIndex()] : 1;

-            uint32 new_damage = pCaster->DealDamage(m_target, (pdamage <= absorb+resist) ? 0 : (pdamage-absorb-resist), &cleanDamage, DOT, GetSpellSchoolMask(GetSpellProto()), GetSpellProto(), false);
+            uint32 new_damage = pCaster->DealDamage(m_target, pdamage, &cleanDamage, DOT, GetSpellSchoolMask(GetSpellProto()), GetSpellProto(), false);

            // DO NOT ACCESS MEMBERS OF THE AURA FROM NOW ON (DealDamage can delete aura)

something of this is already fixed in procflag patch - but afaik not DoTs, leechs and environmental damage

  • 38 years later...
You test it if get full resist/absorb for dots?

In this case you don`t get any log :(

Its one reason not added in.

Hmm ... so that's why on clean mangos there is DOT full-resist not reducing all damage but keeping 1 ?

I'll try to play with it ...

I didn't specifically play with resists on your patch, I'll try it ... that information (maybe wrong) is from how I understood your changes related to damage -> no changes to periodic & environmetal damage logs in clean.


When I removed the ?hack? (1 DOT damage on full resist, patch in GIT updated), I get such resist logs (only this patch):

DoT (Corruption):

50% resist: <victim> suffers 5 Shadow damage from <caster>'s Corruption. (5 resisted)

100% resist: <caster>'s Corruption does not affect <victim>. <victim> resisted. (Tick resisted).

full absorb, with any resist: <caster>'s Corruption was absorbed by <victim> for a moment. (Tick absorbed)

Health Leech (Siphon Life):

50% resist: <caster>'s Siphon Life hits <victim> for 8 Shadow damage. (8 resisted)

100% resist: <caster>'s Siphon Life was fully resisted by <victim>.

full absorb, with any resist: <caster>'s Siphon Life was absorbed by <victim>.

(maybe health leech should use SMSG_PERIODICAURALOG instead of SMSG_SPELLNONMELEEDAMAGELOG ? log text makes more sense to me)

Direct Damage (Shadowbolt): same as health leech.

Looks more-or-less ok to me.

Without both patches:

I get 'fully resist' direct damage logs on 50% resist, negative damage log on 75% resist (and no sct log :-)) ... and full damage on any kind of DoT resist (although damage done is correct).

DoT ticks are not supposed to get full resists.

Where can I find this information ? Google was not friendly to me in this matter ...

And why log in client works then ? :)

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