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Increasing mangos stability

Guest The_Game_Master

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VladimirMangos: I said it a few times before that mangos crashes with Eyes of the Beast. My steps: level to 80, tame a pet with some dot auras (probably some of these abilities), use Eyes of the Beast and run really far away from you character, then find a mob, apply some auras from pet's abilities so that they expire a bit after you have Eyes of the Beast expired. Probably you'd need to play with debuff & EotB expire a little more. Before that Laise's revert I managed to crash mangos at Windows x86, and linux x64. Tbh I did this because I was testing mtmaps patch, but the crash occured with only 1 map update thread too.

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Crash confirmed. Not related in fact to auras change...

[added]Ok, infact this si 2 not directly connected porblems.

1) with pet out of range lost direct control -> it must dismissed in like case

2) problem with auras remove after aura holder code adding, so crash related to aura holders.

If crash related to (1) fixed then we get crash (2) as bonus (it just not get chance triggering in result (1)).

Crash (2) happens in result double delete aura in some cases.

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Crash described by LordJZ (and possible source many other crashes after aura holder code adding) must be fixed in [10287-10288]

VladimirMangos: I said it a few times before that mangos crashes with Eyes of the Beast.

Before last your post i not read any _normal_ description for repeating problem. Just note "Crash with spell" isn't normal description.

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Well that discussion of Laise's commits' revert possibility was making none sense at all so I just confirmed the crashes... Anyway, thanks for looking into the problem.

And BTW, why the hell am I the one who managed to describe the crash repeat steps after just running mangos at localhost for 30 minutes, and thouse who have servers with gigantique online only slacked and whined about crashes here at forums? ....

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And BTW, why the hell am I the one who managed to describe the crash repeat steps after just running mangos at localhost for 30 minutes, and thouse who have servers with gigantique online only slacked and whined about crashes here at forums? ....

The enormous amount of players is part of the problem. Who can say what leads to a crash if only lets say 10 players are doing funny stuff somewhere at a server. It would be hard to repeat all the possible ways to repeat the crash. With 10 it might be possible, but with hundreds or a thousand, twothousand players no way.

And due to the great work of MaNGOS dev team there is only a small amount of crashs happening rather randomly. Most are caused by thirdparty patches, such as vehicles etc. If you run a huge server you'd have to show something to your players, e.g. you'd prior working stuff over stable stuff. If you know you have a thirdparty patch randomly crashing, on a three-digit player count server, a problem could be the patch or a problem with a player. It's mostly a matter of time (not will) to reproduce a crash.


PS: I don't run such a server, nor do I know someone, this was just for explanaintion.

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No Skirnir you haven't understood me. I have repeated it in 30 minutes on my localhost with only one player — me. My question was about server owners, whose thousands of players suffer from constant server crashing (as I understand the level of the resolved problem)

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No Skirnir you haven't understood me. I have repeated it in 30 minutes on my localhost with only one player — me. My question was about server owners, whose thousands of players suffer from constant server crashing (as I understand the level of the resolved problem)

hmm i think he surely understand you(or i don't as well) if there are 1000 Players you can't reproduce a crash. if you are alone and it crashs you can be sure u are the one who caused the crash ... if there are 1000Players and the server crashs, how can u be sure u are the one who crash the server?

Maybe they won't take the time to analyze the crashs ?

so far

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LordJZ, I think FeRkEl described the problem best of them all, I myself have tryed to reproduce the AuraHolder crash for over 3 days on a localhost with no luck. I don't know if you used a specific method, bot, etc. to be able to reproduce it but I can tell you one think. You had a ton of luck to find it. Good job! And thanks to Vladimir for fixing both problems.

Toinan67, I don't think donating 2-3 euro gives you the right to be rude with diffrent people around the community. I myself donated anonymously a couple of times, and you don't see me beeing an asshole about it. Nor do i want or need a flashy rank to brag myself on how mutch i support this community. If you really want to be appreciated stop beeing an asshole and write some usefull patches. I can see you're not sutch an idiot as you look and you handle c++ preutty well. So try making yourself usefull for a change and keep the braging for your own forum.

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