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Everything posted by FeRkEl

  1. u use the ahbot_new branch? and have set your config informations in the ahbot.conf file? else pls more informations....
  2. old config you need AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle.Boost = 1000 AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle.Normal = 20
  3. is there anywhere an overview about the features ? and how it will be handled? e.g. wiki or github/rep/wiki? would be nice. my bad i couldn't follow your changes in last time and first post isn't from you so there i can't find a full feature list. i remember an feature request about ignore item list or something similar best regards
  4. will you check if random creature name exists as playername? otherwise it would be confusing :-)
  5. jeah i actually know that, but infact you could make a switch, so u can decide if you want just latest /highest data or those of all 5mins
  6. i think fregah meant that you should make an extra field into the uptime table and could change with config setting if you'll insert all X minutes the current count (max count since last ?) or just update as before.... so you don't need another table and more flexible ... just one tipp use the [ u r l ][ / u r l ] tags :-)
  7. öhm but it updates the table till server crashs and doesn't insert new rows... handled in : /game/World.cpp
  8. 3.3.5a is right client version, it seems more that you need to patch your MySQL Database tha table db_version tells you what was the latest SQL patch applied... MfG
  9. FeRkEl

    C++ Arrays

    what do you want to do here? you will access element 0 1 and 2 from an array? but you'll return just one const char* (res[3]) in your function? you execute the function 3 times (don't know if it even works!) , it would better to save return value localy and access the returned array )
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension also not every 32 bit OS supports 4GB of Memory edit:easiest way would be to upgrade your debian to 64 bit version :-)
  11. any custom patches? revision 1300+ is to unspecific, afaik mangos has revision above 1570 so your mangos is more than 200 revisions old... DB version + Script revision?
  12. <?PHP require_once ( 'config.php'); mysql_connect ("$host","$user","$pass"); mysql_select_db ("$mangoscharacters"); $result = mysql_query (" insert here the working SQL Query "); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) print_r($row); ?> you can change the print_r($row) with something like echo "GMs online: ".$row['count'] ; // 'count' is the column name!!!!
  13. i just changed an existing statement and for the old forum it wouldn't interefer :-) SELECT count(*) FROM characters WHERE online = 1 and account in(select id from realmd.account where gmlevel >0);
  14. /sign a brighter red would be better too ( although its almost readable)
  15. hmm would be nice if the login requirement for some subforums come back... so i would see if im still loged in :-) another nice feature was "who's reading the topic atm" and the XX thanks in YY posts :-)
  16. think this should work: ..... $result = mysql_query ("SELECT name, race, class, level, map, gender FROM characters WHERE online = 1[/b] and accid in([color=blue]select accid from realmd where gmlevel >0)[/color]; not tested it has nothing todo with PHP just SQL not working, and the another tips dont work too ( i need only a number, how many gms are online or not ) i'm not sure of the columns/table spelling, so pls verify for using this sql statement in your PHP ..... $result = mysql_query ("SELECT count(*) FROM characters WHERE online = 1[/b] and account in([color=blue]select id from realmd.account where gmlevel >0)[/color];
  17. maybe QueryHandler.cpp at line 437 if (pl) change into if (!pl) continue; else but i'm still to unadvanced in reading crashlogs ... maybe its a totaly different problem
  18. the problem is you show 1 player not 1 per gm level you haven't any loop in the script... Mfg try this: <?PHP require_once ( 'config.php'); mysql_connect ("$host","$user","$pass"); mysql_select_db ("$mangoscharacters"); $result = mysql_query ("SELECT name FROM characters WHERE account IN (SELECT id FROM $mangosrealm.account WHERE gmlevel > 3 ORDER BY NAME)"); while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $t_name = $row['name']; echo "[b]<span style='color: #B00000'>$t_name[/b]</span>"; } ?>
  19. The way I think it can be done (I'm no script genius), is to add a second filter to this line:- $result = mysql_query ("SELECT name, race, class, level, map, gender FROM characters WHERE online = 1"); Something like $result = mysql_query ("SELECT name, race, class, level, map, gender FROM characters WHERE online = 1 AND Realmd/Tables/Account GMlevel >0"); Hopefully someone will...um..adjust my attempt think this should work: ..... $result = mysql_query ("SELECT name, race, class, level, map, gender FROM characters WHERE online = 1[/b] and accid in([color=blue]select accid from realmd where gmlevel >0)[/color]; not tested it has nothing todo with PHP just SQL
  20. client is the BF CLuster? and Server will later be mangos ( yet its your mangosFX?) or do you mean client = WoWclient?
  21. where can i track source code changes? is there an git repo?
  22. sounds interessting, would like to track the progress :-)
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