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Everything posted by FeRkEl

  1. think he wants a npc that casts buffs after triggering an gossip without SD2, just in sql
  2. hmm i'm not very expirenced with c++/mangos core and shared_ptr's but doesn't a aura has a reference of its auraholder, and the aura holder has a reference of the aura's? and doesnt such a cross reference cause memleaks with shared_ptr's ? maybe i just didn't get it how it realy works
  3. it could be still a typo, just not only in the patch file but also in the Creature.h and @ Janu yes i mean the missing "t"
  4. aktually you just searched for delete holder, didn't you? your first holder isn't an aura holder but a SQL..holder (don't know exact class) shouldn't be in this Function (unit.cpp 3816) bool Unit::AddSpellAuraHolder(SpellAuraHolder *holder) a check if (holder->IsEmptyHolder() ) before delete? should this prevent crashs?? // If holder in use (removed from code that plan access to it data after return) // store it in holder list with delayed deletion if (holder->IsInUse()) m_deletedHolders.push_back(holder); else delete holder; maybe this would be the solution?
  5. if you don't want the password in a script, and prefer a prompt for Password use : stty -echo echo "Password" read mysqlpw stty echo
  6. shouldn't there be a test if(holder->isinuse()) ? if the holder is in use you shouldn't delete it because this would generate crashs too? undeleted holder would "just" be an memleak ( or am i wrong? )
  7. pls try the following Format parameter addition maybe it helps "O"
  8. SD2 uses SQL querys to the DB at startup, but didn't think the connection is closed after that maybe you can use that connection or just open a connection to the other DB at startup and don't close the connection? hope it helped
  9. is the difference constant or variable? ( somtimes 45mins somtimes 2h ...)
  10. you want to know why you have to make the exern DatabaseMysql CharactersDatabase; ? the definition of the variable isn't make in the SD2 scope and to use you have to import it. ( i think its not correct definition but i hobe understandable for beginners)
  11. first i think this should be asked in the scriptdev2 forum not @ mangos i haven't realy expirience with Mangos/SD2 on Windows , but i think youre script does not know the CharTitlesEntry type maybe not linked or you must include it. hope i could help
  12. i think you miss get it , i think he wants to add a title to a player via an Gossip menu from an NPC @ Veretos what errors did you get? pls post full code (pastebin or so ) is the gossipmenu implementet in SD2?
  13. FeRkEl

    MaNGOS Command

    src / game / Level1.cpp src/game/LevelX.cpp where the X is the GM Level (?)
  14. FeRkEl

    Spell conf

    spell dmg is taken from dbc's as far as i know some values u can change in database
  15. maybe that addon command just access an clientside function wich orders the infos from the server. look for UI events ( or similar) in wowwiki best regards
  16. so i guess your scriptdev2 database can't be accessed by the mangos -sql user Lg
  17. maybe you can realize it with a GM command .say (?) and use it in /g ( you can chat with guild while dead) MfG
  18. maybe you can realize it with a GM command .say (?) and use it in /g ( you can chat with guild while dead) MfG
  19. better search @ sd2 forum think its possible with only scriptdev use
  20. i dunno how to get zoneid form coords but thats not relevant in my opinion ( just wanted to display the users and they have zone in the db) must search my latest script and than i can give it to you
  21. http://user.orangevir.us/~ferkel/zm2/playermap.php a small preview of the site ( the aktual version is not loaded so the lvl is not displayed ) i calculateted for every zone an offset and a zoom faktor
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