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Everything posted by FeRkEl

  1. would be nice if you would tell what you want to do.. if you want to get the aura* out of spellauraholder then you can use that member function Aura* GetAuraByEffectIndex(SpellEffectIndex index) const { return m_auras[index]; }
  2. Think he wants player can select new race( maybe class aswell) customization just alows to redesign your character?
  3. you tried /g .learn ? or /p .learn ? maype it helps
  4. hm mr grom this is an subsitution for the second script on LVL based, he wants XP Based adding but with little editing it could work as replace of 2nd script
  5. think you just have to relearn the language?
  6. this topic would be better in SD2 forum costum scripts, maybe there are equivalent scripts wich u can edit for your usage ? Best regards
  7. more or less friendly.. you can attack neutral if i'm right. and you can't attack friendly ones...
  8. don't know but think isneutral? the state isn't like a bool friend or enemy, i think
  9. why u think so? its lagy? or nomore connections can be made ( check config maybe there is a limit -> queue option) i heard something of windows xp can only have XX connections at same time but don't know what connections...
  10. this not mangos bug, bug could be the whitspaces in the directoryname Área de Trabalho try with an directory without whitspaces Best regards
  11. i didn't set up a mangos on a root server but use the public ip of the server to bind and in DB
  12. why u don't compile clean mangos + sd2 by your self? there are so usefull step by step guids. Remember Mangos is a learning project :-)
  13. wenn du von deinem localhost testen willst kannst du überall eintragen! würde ja reichen wenn er schon starten kann und nicht wieder crashed .... notfalls mal neustarten dann sollten die ports wieder frei sein (?)
  14. did u tried with bindings? did it work? maybe the server can just bind 1 IP and not a default route ( just try to use your IP given from your ISP/local lan or Hamachie or what u need for accessing from other server
  15. you surely will have a loss of time :-D the Database Values can be backed up as SQL statements so no loss of data.
  16. when is the crash? at startup? have you set the folder for your logs ? ( there can be more than 1 folder for mangos, those where the binarys are, those with the maps and dbc's and an log folder
  17. maybe its just an including problem? try to first include objectmgr.h and than auctionhousebot.h or include objectmgr.h in the auctionhousebot.h, too (not testet, but it seems that ObjectGuids not declared before using?)
  18. C/c++ is case sensitive but i think some standard functions aren't or are implemented in more than 1 way
  19. don't know the code very well ( at line 521 of shamanAI i didn't found an cast or so. but i think its this line(520): Player *tPlayer = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(uint64 (itr->guid)); maybe it would be enough to change it to : Player *tPlayer = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(itr->guid);
  20. you mean instead of percent an min and max amount of itemgroup items? (or why are there greytg and grey?) think it would be just more flexible instead of percentage
  21. its just an variable name it also could be m_AHBotGuid as well before he just returned the max value of the lowguid ( would be 2147483647 i think) and now he has to create an objectguid wich is returned instead of the uint32 value
  22. maybe in Player::UpdateArea? there is the way to start i think
  23. cyberium why don't u set the AHBot name per config when there is no other need for an creature entry? best regards
  24. hmm i think he surely understand you(or i don't as well) if there are 1000 Players you can't reproduce a crash. if you are alone and it crashs you can be sure u are the one who caused the crash ... if there are 1000Players and the server crashs, how can u be sure u are the one who crash the server? Maybe they won't take the time to analyze the crashs ? so far
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