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DK talents

Guest rhaziel

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Im very sorry if i posted in a wrong selection but i have no experience of forums and im totally lost..

So my question please if anyone can help me.

As i have the latest mangos and udb how can i make a npc or some script (i have no knowledge of c++) that it would give this missing talent points for a DK talents? Because when i start at lvl 55 i should have atleast 45-46 talents point to spend and i dont have, there is A quest i think with an eye but it is bugged and i am left with 0 talents.

please how can i make a npc or fix it?

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DK's get their talentpoints trough quests. I believe it's normal to have no talents when you create a DK (I could be wrong there though). Instead of hassling with creating c++ code, why don't you just auto complete the quests that aren't working? That way you get the option to run trough the DK questchain, get talents, skills, experience and a nice storyline. Autocompleting quests is quite simple, just set the Method to 0 for the quest entry.

UPDATE quest_template SET Method = 0 WHERE entry = xx

Of course you'll need to set xx to the quest_id you want to autocomplete.

I hope this helped you. I'm sorry I couldn't provide any c++ code, I'm not a very good programmer myself. :)

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Testing it now!

Anyways thanks for help! Will let you know in a sec did it work! :D

Works in perfect order! the q chain is restored :)


still missed the point. I didnt get the talents.. where does the DK get the starting talent points?

I mean is it from a q or what?

Maybe i have an error in my db? why cant i get the missing 45+ talents..? please help!!


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