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[Patch] External Mail + Multiple Items per Mail

Guest xeross155

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First of all my apologies if I already made a thread for this, I could not find it.

What are the features ?

  • * Send mail from an external script/application anything that can connect to MySQL can use this system
    * Send multiple items per mail. We set up the tables in such a way that you can send multiple items with 1 mail.
    * Definable interval for sending mails

How do I get it ?

You can pull the external_mail branch from my repository



* Fetch repository

* Compile

* Import sql/external_mail.sql into your character database

* Enable external mail in the config (At the bottom if you use the included config, else you'll have to copy them over from config.dist.in

* Insert items

* See them get sent periodically.

How do the tables work ?

external_mail contains the mails, as soon as a mail is created it gets an ID assigned (id column).

After this to add items to the mail you need to add an entry to mail_external_items, id should be left empty, mail_id should be the id of the just created mail and item and count are obvious.


  • * 19/Aug/2010 - Updated to latest mail changes, fixed queue deletion bug, added some additional logging/error logging
    * Some time ago - Initial release
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Thanks for the update, xeross! :D

I like your mod because it makes sending mail and/or items to players so much easier than having to do it in-game with a GM character.

For those of you who haven't tried it, this patch is considered essential by many servers. Just look around Github and you'll see the majority of repos, both patched and custom, have xeross' External Mail included. Get this one today!

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