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[Tool] GM Tool

Guest Spiider11

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Hello everyone !

I finished a tool a few days ago and i wanted to share it with you !

I don't know if this is the right place (sorry if it's not) but here it goes :

My tool is a GM helper that helps you with command typing ! It's written in Autoit so it has it's limitations!


1. Add NPC with double click from your custom list

2. Change display model for npc or morph players from your custom list of morph

3. Teleport to any list location or create your own custom list for fast access!


- The full teleport list takes a few seconds to load depending on your computer

- It's recommended to use with wow in window mode


- Me

- SimplyEricJames for the icon

It's an easy to use tool , it's not a hack because it just types the commands for you !

I hope someone finds this useful !

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^ VirusTotal report, only 3 pinged it as a virus, up to you if you want to take the chance. Avast on my computer doesn't say anything, so I guess it's OK :)

Havn't had a chance to test it yet, as I'm currently re-compiling mangos, but from the looks of the UI it seems quite simple to use, and contains a rather large database of locations for teleports whether you want to use the actual tool or not :o

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ok i scanned it my pc antiviruses and found nothing !

i scanned it online and found this

as i first thought the "Worm.Win32.AutoIt" is because of the wrapper

it's your choice if you use it or not !

I'll post the source code soon , after i clean it and add some comments ( it's a mess now )

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