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[Patch] Wrong spell mindist from Rev. 4158

Guest False.Genesis

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This patch fixes wrong code from 3 years ago (Rev. 4158).

How it does work right now:

All spells that have a speed set are given a minimum distance of 5, even if these are self-targeting spells. This creates extremely high spell delays sometimes, especially with 17607 (Portal Effect: Ironforge, used by dalaran portal) and 47568 (Empower Rune Weapon). Both spells have a delay of 5 seconds, because their speed is 1 (for unknown reason).

It should work like:

The spells should be handled instantly. There is (imho) no reason to enforce a minimum distance just to delay things.

Thx to nos4r2zod for pointing out these lines.

diff --git a/src/game/Spell.cpp b/src/game/Spell.cpp
index 5e1e430..a9cc227 100644
--- a/src/game/Spell.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Spell.cpp
@@ -829,7 +829,6 @@ void Spell::AddUnitTarget(Unit* pVictim, SpellEffectIndex effIndex)
        // calculate spell incoming interval
        float dist = m_caster->GetDistance(pVictim->GetPositionX(), pVictim->GetPositionY(), pVictim->GetPositionZ());
-        if (dist < 5.0f) dist = 5.0f;
        target.timeDelay = (uint64) floor(dist / m_spellInfo->speed * 1000.0f);

        // Calculate minimum incoming time
@@ -894,8 +893,6 @@ void Spell::AddGOTarget(GameObject* pVictim, SpellEffectIndex effIndex)
        // calculate spell incoming interval
        float dist = m_caster->GetDistance(pVictim->GetPositionX(), pVictim->GetPositionY(), pVictim->GetPositionZ());
-        if (dist < 5.0f)
-            dist = 5.0f;
        target.timeDelay = (uint64) floor(dist / m_spellInfo->speed * 1000.0f);
        if (m_delayMoment == 0 || m_delayMoment > target.timeDelay)
            m_delayMoment = target.timeDelay;

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