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How to make spell learned permenantly

Guest Wolf_vx

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Hello guys.

I have a problem with keeping the spell learned.

Spell's id is 46917.

Every time I learn it and logout, the spell unlearns itself! :blink:

Any ideas how I can keep it? <_<

Thanks in advance


Additional ifno:

Spell add ability to dual wield 2h weapons. This spell is called Titan's grip and it works perfectly fine for Warrier which it was originally designed.

I am trying to implement this skill for Death Knights and it works untill I logout. I have tried even placing talents the same as I placed in Warrier and that didn't work either.

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This is the relevent code (in Player.cpp):

            // prevent load talent for different class (cheating)
           if ((getClassMask() & talentTabInfo->ClassMask) == 0)
               sLog.outError("Player::_LoadTalents:Player (GUID: %u) has talent with ClassMask: %u , but Player's ClassMask is: %u , talentID: %u , this talent will be deleted from character_talent",GetGUIDLow(), talentTabInfo->ClassMask, getClassMask() ,talentInfo->TalentID );
               CharacterDatabase.PExecute("DELETE FROM character_talent WHERE guid = '%u' AND talent_id = '%u'", GetGUIDLow(), talent_id);

I guess you can comment this out if you don't want this feature. I would also advise you to check your mangos log in future (and that means reading it yourself, not posting it here for us to read) because this would have explained what happened.

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This is the relevent code (in Player.cpp):

            // prevent load talent for different class (cheating)
           if ((getClassMask() & talentTabInfo->ClassMask) == 0)
               sLog.outError("Player::_LoadTalents:Player (GUID: %u) has talent with ClassMask: %u , but Player's ClassMask is: %u , talentID: %u , this talent will be deleted from character_talent",GetGUIDLow(), talentTabInfo->ClassMask, getClassMask() ,talentInfo->TalentID );
               CharacterDatabase.PExecute("DELETE FROM character_talent WHERE guid = '%u' AND talent_id = '%u'", GetGUIDLow(), talent_id);

I guess you can comment this out if you don't want this feature. I would also advise you to check your mangos log in future (and that means reading it yourself, not posting it here for us to read) because this would have explained what happened.

Good point on logs. I usually use them to check for server start probs not for spells check mismatches.

Thanks for the help and ifno. +1

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