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Help with ad.exe being called from a bat file

Guest jth085272

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Hi all,

I need help figuring how to get ad.exe to work when being called from a batch file. I can get the batch file to copy ad.exe to the world of warcraft installation folder, but when trying to start ad.exe from the batch file, I get an error message saying "No locales detected". However, if I got to the WoW installation folder and manually start that same ad.exe the batch file copied, it executes with no problem.

code in batch file:

rem Location of extractors
set dbcmapExtLoc=Extractors
set vmapExtLoc=Extractors
rem Location of WoW installation
set wowInstallLoc="C:\\Users\\Public\\Games\\World of Warcraft"

set /p yesno=Extract dbc, map and vmap files?
if %yesno% neq y if %yesno% neq Y goto sqlStart

copy %dbcmapExtLoc%\\%dbcmapExt% %wowInstallLoc%

Any ideas?

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