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Server not accessable from outside my network

Guest TrueMetalHurts

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I've followed some guides here on this forum to set up my own private Mangos server.

Built it from source on my Debian server here at home and it works great! But only on my network..

When I want to connect to it from outside my network, it hangs at 'Logging in to game server'.

When I then press cancel, I see it detected the Realm I have, but it can't connect to it (I think it shows it offline).

I tested this with my brother trying to connect to it from outside my network, while I was inside my network and could connect without problems.

Is this a misconfiguration or what can I do about this?

Port forwarding should not be an issue, all ports are well forwarded.

I also tried it with my server in DMZ so it was fully exposed to outside world on all ports available.

Thanks in advance!


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I've already tried few things in the config, but they don't work.

I tried setting the BindIP variable to my my Internal IP, External IP and my DynDNS domain name, but none make it working (for outside).

When I enter my Internal IP, it works for the local network.

When I try with External IP or my DynDNS domain name and run realmd, it gives me this:

Added realm "TWILLE"

MaNGOS realmd can not bind to 91.178.184.x:3724

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'

what(): Dead Reference


The worldd process loads everything up to where you almost get the cli, but stops at the very last point, just halting.

Hope this helps to identify a bit more :)

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Anyone know any solution for this problem?

Maybe some more info might help:

I'm port forwarding port 3724 and port 8085 to my server.

I've tried with disabled firewall and stuff, but that should not be the issue.

What I did more to debug is only execute realmd.

I open my WoW client and it authenticates, succeeds and then shows me the realmlist, with my realm TWILLE showing offline (red).

Which is normal as i did not run worldd.

After that I run worldd and go back to my client.

There I see that TWILLE comes online (green, population low).

I try to connect to it, but the realm selection window pops up again.

If you click 'Okay' fast enough you see the 'Logging in to game server' window briefly.

So yeah, the problem is mangos-worldd or the configuration file or something else.

I really don't have a clue..

As mentioned earlier, I'm able to play when I'm in my network locally and that works fine.

But yeah, my server is at my appartment and when I go home to my parents in the weekend I want to be able to play there as well ;)

Hope someone will be able to help me on this!

Thanks in advance!



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Ok, I managed to fix the issue by myself :)

I found out that for some odd reason port 8085 was not forwarded properly in my router.

So I think it's being used by my router or something.

After I changed it to port 8086 everything was ok!

Now I can play from my parents place as well! Yeey!

Thanks again to the Mangos team for making and maintaing this great piece of software!

I've been enjoying every part of making it work :)

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