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[PHP]UCP Framework 3.0

Guest faianca

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Hi there guys,

Sorry for the delay but i have been very busy at work so i couldnt deliver this faster.

New Features:

- MVC design pattern

- Admin panel

- Vote System ( SOAP )

- Donate System

- Template System

- Blizzlike theme

- Blizzlike Cataclysm theme

- Default Ucp Mangos theme







How to Install:





1 - Looking for Translators and Developers for this project, translation its very easy done in lang folder.

2 - If you enjoy this release please make comments,report issues on my project.

and ofcourse Donates will make further releases coming faster.

3 - Thanks to jesper and to his vote system, i followed his logic, which made everything much easier, big props to him.

Lots of Love

Jorge Faianca

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Couple aesthetics issues that I noticed:

1.) For the drop-down registration it would look a lot better if you put the form into tables so that the text and the text boxes were aligned vertically.

2.) On any page other than the main there is a giant space where the flash was, and that makes it look a little funny.

3.) Also on some pages the background that goes under the background at the top of the page (the one with mountains) is missing, so there is no fluid transition between the two backgrounds.

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Couple aesthetics issues that I noticed:

1.) For the drop-down registration it would look a lot better if you put the form into tables so that the text and the text boxes were aligned vertically.

2.) On any page other than the main there is a giant space where the flash was, and that makes it look a little funny.

3.) Also on some pages the background that goes under the background at the top of the page (the one with mountains) is missing, so there is no fluid transition between the two backgrounds.

With regards to 1, The proper way to implement it is using <label> tags with a fixed width.

It looks good, other than the few minor quirks here and there.

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OK, I tried to get it to work on my server, and I ran into a couple of issues.

1.) The login does not work, it tries to go to /page/login which does not exist.

2.) Captchas point to files that do not exist if you point it to the public folder, which is essentially required.

3.) If you set the base path to the root of your install, you get a few errors and no flash or images, but gets fixed if you point it to the public folder.

4.) If you point the base path to the public folder, if you browse to the root the flash does not display, but this corrects if you browse to the public folder.

5.) The language files are not included properly if you browse to the root while having public as your base path.

Still experimenting, so I may find some more issues.

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OK, I tried to get it to work on my server, and I ran into a couple of issues.

1.) The login does not work, it tries to go to /page/login which does not exist.

2.) Captchas point to files that do not exist if you point it to the public folder, which is essentially required.

3.) If you set the base path to the root of your install, you get a few errors and no flash or images, but gets fixed if you point it to the public folder.

4.) If you point the base path to the public folder, if you browse to the root the flash does not display, but this corrects if you browse to the public folder.

5.) The language files are not included properly if you browse to the root while having public as your base path.

Still experimenting, so I may find some more issues.

None of this are issues.

You dont have mod_rewrite enabled.

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Im pretty sure that its not working properly, if you check the .htaccess from the application root.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteRule    ^$    public/    [L]
   RewriteRule ^(paypal) - [L]
   RewriteRule ^(forums) - [L]
   RewriteRule    (.*) public/$1    [L]

You can see that you have the RewriteRule set, so you cannot include ur public directory on the base_path.

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Yeah, I see that, but for some reason it is not working. mod_rewrite is definitely enabled.

Please check if you have AllowOverride All directive in your conf file.

For linux:

2) sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default 
3) Change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All
4) Restart Apache: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

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