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[BUG] Problems with target-type (22, 7)


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Mangos Version: 10760

Custom Patches: --

SD2 Version: --

Database Name and Version:--

How it SHOULD work: Spells of this target-type have quite some different behaviour, what they actually should target

How it DOES work: often wrong ;)

A few spells and their description (datas from Spell Work, all are (TARGET_CASTER_COORDINATES, TARGET_AREAEFFECT_INSTANT)

* 802 SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AURA - positive : this spell should target _one_ nearby bug (currently working)

* 804 SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AURA - negative : this spell should target also one nearby bug, but atm not working (negative aura - targets enemies)

* 10252 SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AURA - dummy : this spell should target one npc of (at least) one entry

* 10860 SPELL_EFFECT_INSTAKILL : should target _all_ npcs of one entry

* 12613 SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AURA - fear : should target _all_ npcs of one entry

* 16807 SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY : should target _all_ npcs (which are friendly, but might be a well known number of different entries)

* 30425 SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT - should target a few npcs of different specified entries


* 30571 SPELL_EFFECT_KNOCK_BACK : should target all enemies

* 30572 SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT : (likely) all enemies

* 30985 SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY : should target _all_ npcs of one entry

I think this list is enough to see, that we need a more generic way to support target-finding based on *npc entry and *type, and also that the generic rules depending on friendly or unfriendly spell are not good enough for such AoE spells.

In fact I think the way the targets are to be handled in such a case is similar to the way we handle spells with spell script target. - but as these spells might target _all_ suitable enemies, this will need adjustment - though I think it would enough to act upon some additional provided target information, if there is information provided instead of defineing the need for such information

Edit - example for targeted players added (to emphazise that I think it would be wrong to replace current way it is handled)

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