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how to enable pvp system


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I installed mangos

and i wanna knw how could I active badge of justice, I mean by it take points when I kill somebody

and how could I active wait 30sec after death , ( when some body kills me I pres restart and wait 26s instead of go directly to spirit healer )


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  • 2 months later...

and how could I active wait 30sec after death , ( when some body kills me I pres restart and wait 26s instead of go directly to spirit healer )

There are 2 trigger in the mangosd.conf called "Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvP" and ".PvE" for simply (de)activate the function. If you want the same static countdown at the first and all following deads, instead of the blizzlike linear rising waiting time, you need to modify the declaration of "often deaths" in the source code. Where exactly, whell, I am to lazy for seaching it right now, but using a "search for string" function should be doable for everyone. Maybe someone other could recite it.

remove all graveyard entries from the graveyard table in the database

Maybe we also could call some marines squad to scare off the little bird wakes me up every morning by singing his song in a tree in front of my window. Or maybe I should get a cat.

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