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great error, the creatures don't attack me


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first, excuse me for my english, i'm learning

second, i download a repack based in mangos version 3.3.5 (fo "thelokote"). The server are easy to use, and in my PC run great. But one day, two weeks ago, i deleted the server for "reallocate" files to other partition. At same time i applied one patch of "traduction" to server:

After decompressing the repack (not is installable) and execute:

1.- After create a new warrior (i deleted the last) all the creatures have your names in yellow ("neutral") and don't attack me. I go to the cratures, but onlly attack if be attacked, and only the attacked beast, not others. This is the best problem, i go to level 80 and nothing attack me:mad: NOTHING FUNNY:D

2.- At the same site of creatures, npc, vendors, etc, appearing a turkey! yes, have turkeys to all. in somethings sites, that turkeys moving free, (Azeroth is a turkey farm:D) but in others are in the same site of the creature/monster, and i attack a creature/turkey

After experiment all ideas (i don't a expert in informatic), reinstalling others servers, i repair the eror of turkeys (i don't have idea how), but the problem with "neutral" creatures not.

I see a line in mangos window: "SESSION: received not allowed opcode: CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST". I don't sure if this line is the cause

Some idea


PD: I repeat excuses for my english:(

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You should read the stickies before posting such a question,

since this kind of questions has already been answered in the Big FAQ thread.

Repacks are not supported here.

Ask however made the repack if you want help with that.

Or do as everyone else here,

read the stickies and learn how to compile the source yourself,

it's not hard. There are plenty of stickies that shows you how to.

Next time, please read the stickies and use the search before posting.

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