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[not mangos problem][Crash] New system for hadle packets?

Guest xarly

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Can you reproduce this crash on clean core? Your server crashed in Map::SendObjectUpdates() function, but thing is that Map::Update() was called from third-party code ( DelayExecutor and MapUpdateRequest are not standard mangos classes ).

P.S. You can also open Opcodes.cpp file, change all occurrences of PROCESS_THREADSAFE to PROCESS_THREADUNSAFE and check if you'll have the same crash.

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Your crash is not related with Ambal patch, this crash is from mtmaps patch and concurrent access to DB Functions (damned windows dumps..).

At the moment you still need TBB Concurrent Vector patch (prevent crashes by corruption pointer in targets) and SQLAsynq patch (Prevent crashes in SQL Functions concurrent access) in MTMaps thread to work more or less stable in MapUpdate.Threads = 2 or more.

And then you will see than MTMaps still dont enought stable :P... but we needed ^^

Best regards

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