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Guest Undergarun

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MaNGOS still freeze with some other items that I couldn't identify yet.

It's possible to implement some generic way to control this cases? Because if the server freeze we don't get a crashdump in order to know where the problem is.

So if freeze show then or you use custom changes or script problem.

Maybe some anti dead loop control and some other data checks would be great for people like me, learning C++ and how mangos works.

Thank u 4 your work ;-) Keep MaNGOS up!

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hmm, we have antifreeze protection that do what you describe: explictly triggering crash at freeze detect with result core dump generation.

Maybe it disbled in your version. Look option MaxCoreStuckTime in config

My config is:

MaxCoreStuckTime = 120

But... this crashdump is useful to find the source of the problem?


I have tons of them from last 7 days at least.

I was thinking in some way to control huge and senseless values in loops, something like MaxSpellCastsInChain trying to avoid server crash and writting the possible problems/events on logs.

Thank u Vlad, your knowledge is welcome!

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