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[BUG] Unknow Pets (Ids Overflow?¿?)

Guest kero99

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Core Version : 11064 but is old bug since 9500+

Patch: RSA fork now but clean when appear in 9500+


For some reason when pet id in characters_pet become over some number of 170XXXXX (actually our last pet have id 17043690), all new pet tamed or learned by warlock become "Unknow Entity" (in my case "Entidad Desconocida"):


In the other realms with max pet id 15622086 or less, the problem dont appear.

A year ago this problem appeared at same number of id and we solved it with a wipe of pets, because i thought in a corrupted data in my db...

Is strange because pet_id value in DB is int 11 and Objectguid maybe is enougth for these values...

Any ideas?

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pet id is petnumber, not guid low.

For pets guids is dynamic values and start from 0 at server start.

In DB stored petnumbers. In different from creature guids, pet guids have as middle guid part referenced petnumber so petnumber limited by size of middle guid part: max value is 0xFFFFFF = 16777215.

Maybe some compression possible at loading server, no other way prevent petnumbers overflow.

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I made a php script for id reorder:


$petdebuggerhandler = new MaNGOS_PET_DEBUGGER('host', 'root', 'pass', 'characters', '/var/log/petdebug.log');

######### PLEASE, DO NOT MODIFIED ANYTHING BEYOND THIS POINT #########################


   var $connection;
   var $db;
   var $logname;
   var $petlist;
   function __construct($host, $user, $pass, $db, $logpath)
       set_time_limit(0);    // Evitar timeout de ejecución del script.
       ini_set('display_errors', '1');
       $this->connection = mysql_connect($host.':3306', $user, $pass) or $this->errorLogMessage('Imposible establecer conexión con mySQL. Info provide => Host: '.$host.' User: '.$user.' Pass: '.$pass.' Mysql err: '.mysql_error($this->connection));
       $this->db = mysql_select_db($db, $this->connection) or $this->errorLogMessage('Imposible establecer conexión con la base de datos: '.$db.' MySQL err: '.mysql_error($this->connection));
       $this->logname = $logpath;
   function __destruct()
   *    Logger functions
   private function debugLogMessage($msg)
       $logPetition = fopen($this->logname, 'a');
       fwrite($logPetition, '['.date('d/m/Y').']['.date('H:i:s').'][DEBUG]: '.$msg);
       fwrite($logPetition, "\\r\\n");
   private function errorLogMessage($msg)
       $logPetition = fopen($this->logname, 'a');
       fwrite($logPetition, '['.date('d/m/Y').']['.date('H:i:s').'][ERROR]: '.$msg);
       fwrite($logPetition, "\\r\\n");
   *    MySQL functions
   private function BeginTransaction()
       mysql_query('BEGIN', $this->connection);
   private function CommitTransaction()
       mysql_query('COMMIT', $this->connection);
   private function RollbackTransaction()
       mysql_query('ROLLBACK', $this->connection);
       $this->errorLogMessage('There was an error. MySQL errno: '.mysql_errno($this->connection).' MySQL error: '.mysql_error($this->connection).' Rollbacking everything!');
       die('An error happens, please check '.$this->logname);
   private function ExecuteQuery($query)
       $executedquery = mysql_query($query, $this->connection) or $this->RollbackTransaction();
       return $executedquery;
   private function FetchArray($resultSet)
       return mysql_fetch_array($resultSet);
   *    Reorder method
   public function rebuildPetGeneralUniqueIdentificators()
       $this->debugLogMessage('Starting process...');
       $this->petlist = $this->ExecuteQuery('SELECT id FROM character_pet ORDER BY id');
       for($itr = 0; $data = $this->FetchArray($this->petlist); $itr++)
           $this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE character_pet SET id = ".$itr." WHERE id = ".$data['id']."");
           $this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE pet_spell SET guid = ".$itr." WHERE guid = ".$data['id']."");
           $this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE pet_spell_cooldown SET guid = ".$itr." WHERE guid = ".$data['id']."");
           $this->debugLogMessage('PET (Guid: '.$data['id'].') relocated to Guid: '.$itr.' successfully!');
       $this->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE pet_aura");
       $this->debugLogMessage('Process Finished!');
       echo ('Operation completed successfully! You can check the process in '.$this->logname.'.');


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petnumbers used for pet auras, pet talents and etc

$this->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE pet_aura");

I truncate pet_aura table but should work with:

$this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE pet_aura SET guid = ".$itr." WHERE guid = ".$data['id']."");

And as i know pet talents are stored in abdata field in character_pet.

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