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to be UDB or to be YTDB...that is the question...


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I'm moving on slowly but surely in creating my server, and this wouldn't be possible without the help of this great community!

Once again I need your advises.

I am ready to download the database of my futur server.

I would apreciate if I could have some info on the differences between the UDB and YTDB database.

I understood UDB is blizzlike and still needs some fixing. YTDB would not be blizzlike but a little more advanced in debuging.

Is that correct? What are the differences between those database? And ultimately what database would be your recommendation?

Also I tryed the links on your general document: « mangos>the free, open source World of Warcraft  server« .

The UDB link brings me to the UDB forum and the YTDB to a russian forum.

Would you have a link to an english forum for YTDB database or for a download service for YTDB? Impossible to find my way on the russian forum.

Thanks a million !

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Well it's possible to use YTDB without being registered at their forum. As non russian speaking guy there is a English speaking section where you can report bugs (super fast fixing if possible) etc., other than that it's testing how well google translate works.

As side note, which database you choose is part of a ideological decision. UDB follows MaNGOS more conservative FreeBSD like development way. If something can be done perfect it gets in, else not. YTDB follows a more liberal Linux way, if something can be implemented via a (ugly) workaround and maybe fixed later it gets in.

Once I read YTDB is for good making quests and UDB is perfect for PVP. Guess that sums it pretty well and I'm using YTDB for making quests and having a fun time, weeks before the correct spell gets implemented into MaNGOS core. Anyways, both great projects ;) To choose a over b is like to choose beer or wine. You have to try both before you know what suites you best.



PS: The somewhat sad thing is that there seems to be no exchange between database devs. Maybe because of speech barriers, but as observer I might be wrong.

PPS: Haven't tried UDB for quite some time, so things might as well have changed. :)

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a personal experience about the databases:

If you want to do developing (especially scripts, to some extent core), udb is (in my view) the only choice.

True ytdb has way more stuff, but in ytdb you never know if you have custom, ptr (or now cata) stuff, and hence you cannot trust it to be correct (which is really really sad) - so even if they have something correct, you might have to wait until you can confirm the correctness.

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