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[Rubyonrails] Manage account


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I'm looking for manage mangos accounts with Rails 3.

I'm using Authlogic (https://github.com/binarylogic/authlogic)

So, a rapidly working way, but certainly not the best,

is adding 'user_id' column to realmd > account, creating the realmd_account model, establish associations between user and realmd_account (has_one :realmd_account, belongs_to :user).

:001 > @user = User.find(1)
=> #<User id: 1, login: "foohey", email: "[email protected]", crypted_password: "", password_salt: "", persistence_token: "", login_count: 39, failed_login_count: 0, last_request_at: "2011-03-05 13:51:35", current_login_at: "2011-03-05 12:51:09", last_login_at: "2011-03-05 12:51:02", current_login_ip: "", last_login_ip: "", created_at: "2011-03-05 12:17:41", updated_at: "2011-03-05 13:51:35", realmd_account_id: 5> 

:002 > @user.realmd_account
=> #<RealmdAccount id: 5, user_id: 1, username: "FOOHEY", sha_pass_hash: "", gmlevel: 2, sessionkey: "", v: "", s: "", email: nil, joindate: "2011-02-12 16:33:19", last_ip: "", failed_logins: 0, locked: 0, last_login: "2011-03-02 10:52:38", active_realm_id: 0, expansion: 1, mutetime: 0, locale: 2> 

:003 > @user.realmd_account.email
=> nil 

:004 > @user.realmd_account.email = "[email protected]"
=> "[email protected]" 

:005 > @user.realmd_account.save
=> true 

:006 > @user.realmd_account
=> #<RealmdAccount id: 5, user_id: 1, username: "FOOHEY", sha_pass_hash: "", gmlevel: 2, sessionkey: "", v: "", s: "", email: "[email protected]", joindate: "2011-02-12 16:33:19", last_ip: "", failed_logins: 0, locked: 0, last_login: "2011-03-02 10:52:38", active_realm_id: 0, expansion: 1, mutetime: 0, locale: 2>

do you think this is a secure solution ?

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  • 7 months later...

Its definetly bad solution to even use rails's built-in acriverecord. Curently it does not allow enought flexibility in working with databases, that a good mangos server website requires. One solution is to use DataMapper as ORM.

On topic: I prefer to keep mangos tables clean, so I'd better add an account_id to ser model and set User benong to Account.

Btw, why authlogic here? It sure will not be easy to configure it properly.

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