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updatign core, veins & flowers

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Hello everybody.

Waiting for people to acces my server, I am working on improving.

I have two questions;

First of all, can I update my core and then connect with my created caracters?

My configuration is :

UDB 0.12.1 (393) MaGNOS 10545 SD2 SQL rev. 1833 ACID 3.08

I would like to upgrade my core at 398. I understood I have to run upgrades via SQLyog and then re install ACID 3.08.

Is this correct? When this is done should my created caracters run normaly?

Other question concerns the veins and flowers. They are too little.

I started to creat pools of veins and flower using the GM command : .gobject add (ID game object)

It's a long work!

Meanwille saw on UDB forum that some SQL modifications existed like :


-- Herb spawn pools

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 40 where entry=NYI; -- Alterac Mountains

update pool_template set max_limit= 58 where entry=959; -- Arathi Highlands

update pool_template set max_limit= 55 where entry=960; -- Ashenvale

update pool_template set max_limit= 53 where entry=990; -- Azshara

update pool_template set max_limit= 92 where entry=971; -- Azuremyst Isle

update pool_template set max_limit= 23 where entry=998; -- Badlands

update pool_template set max_limit= 83 where entry=978; -- Blade's Edge Mountains

update pool_template set max_limit= 38 where entry=997; -- Blasted Lands

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 46 where entry=NYI; -- Bloodmyst Isle

update pool_template set max_limit= 71 where entry=987; -- Borean Tundra

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 14 where entry=NYI; -- Burning Steppes

update pool_template set max_limit= 39 where entry=961; -- Darkshore

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 23 where entry=NYI; -- Desolace

update pool_template set max_limit=121 where entry=985; -- Dragonblight

update pool_template set max_limit= 93 where entry=999; -- Dun Morogh

update pool_template set max_limit= 80 where entry=992; -- Durotar

update pool_template set max_limit= 48 where entry=995; -- Duskwood

update pool_template set max_limit= 63 where entry=991; -- Dustwallow Marsh

update pool_template set max_limit= 50 where entry=968; -- Eastern Plaguelands

update pool_template set max_limit= 94 where entry=993; -- Elwynn Forest

update pool_template set max_limit= 80 where entry=970; -- Eversong Woods

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 41 where entry=NYI; -- Felwood

update pool_template set max_limit= 61 where entry=964; -- Feralas

update pool_template set max_limit= 54 where entry=969; -- Ghostlands

update pool_template set max_limit= 75 where entry=984; -- Grizzly Hills

update pool_template set max_limit=115 where entry=972; -- Hellfire Peninsula

update pool_template set max_limit= 52 where entry=958; -- Hillsbrad Foothills

update pool_template set max_limit= 43 where entry=965; -- The Hinterlands

update pool_template set max_limit=143 where entry=986; -- Howling Fjord

update pool_template set max_limit=344 where entry=980; -- Icecrown

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 12 where entry=NYI; -- Isle of Quel'Danas - does this count as a zone for spawning-pool purposes?

update pool_template set max_limit= 41 where entry=952; -- Loch Modan

update pool_template set max_limit= 98 where entry=955; -- Mulgore

update pool_template set max_limit=118 where entry=973; -- Nagrand

update pool_template set max_limit= 71 where entry=974; -- Netherstorm

update pool_template set max_limit= 51 where entry=950; -- Redridge Mountains

update pool_template set max_limit= 77 where entry=947; -- Searing Gorge

update pool_template set max_limit= 83 where entry=976; -- Shadowmoon Valley

update pool_template set max_limit=163 where entry=982; -- Sholazar Basin

update pool_template set max_limit= 15 where entry=948; -- Silithus

update pool_template set max_limit= 70 where entry=956; -- Silverpine Forest

update pool_template set max_limit= 69 where entry=949; -- Stonetalon Mountains

update pool_template set max_limit=412 where entry=981; -- The Storm Peaks

update pool_template set max_limit=103 where entry=988; -- Stranglethorn Vale

update pool_template set max_limit= 78 where entry=996; -- Swamp of Sorrows

update pool_template set max_limit= 61 where entry=963; -- Tanaris

update pool_template set max_limit= 86 where entry=957; -- Teldrassil

update pool_template set max_limit=116 where entry=977; -- Terokkar Forest

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 93 where entry=NYI; -- The Barrens

update pool_template set max_limit= 42 where entry=962; -- Thousand Needles

update pool_template set max_limit=117 where entry=953; -- Tirisfal Glades

update pool_template set max_limit= 48 where entry=966; -- Un'Goro Crater

update pool_template set max_limit= 41 where entry=954; -- Western Plaguelands

update pool_template set max_limit= 57 where entry=951; -- Westfall

update pool_template set max_limit= 67 where entry=994; -- Wetlands

update pool_template set max_limit=178 where entry=979; -- Wintergrasp

update pool_template set max_limit= 89 where entry=967; -- Winterspring

update pool_template set max_limit=124 where entry=975; -- Zangarmarsh

update pool_template set max_limit=198 where entry=983; -- Zul'Drak

-- Mineral spawn pools

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 36 where entry=NYI; -- Alterac Mountains

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 87 where entry=NYI; -- Arathi Highlands

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 50 where entry=NYI; -- Ashenvale

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 19 where entry=NYI; -- Azshara

-- update pool_template set max_limit=129 where entry=NYI; -- Azuremyst Isle

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 68 where entry=NYI; -- Badlands

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 39 where entry=NYI; -- Blasted Lands

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 90 where entry=NYI; -- Blade's Edge Mountains

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 57 where entry=NYI; -- Bloodmyst Isle

update pool_template set max_limit=174 where entry=895; -- Borean Tundra

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 54 where entry=NYI; -- Burning Steppes

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 9 where entry=NYI; -- Crystalsong Forest

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 71 where entry=NYI; -- Darkshore

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 43 where entry=NYI; -- Desolace

update pool_template set max_limit= 53 where entry=893; -- Dragonblight

-- update pool_template set max_limit=197 where entry=NYI; -- Dun Morogh

-- update pool_template set max_limit=201 where entry=NYI; -- Durotar

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 18 where entry=NYI; -- Dustwallow Marsh

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 43 where entry=NYI; -- Duskwood

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 31 where entry=NYI; -- Eastern Plaguelands

-- update pool_template set max_limit=177 where entry=NYI; -- Elwynn Forest

-- update pool_template set max_limit=156 where entry=NYI; -- Eversong Woods

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 27 where entry=NYI; -- Felwood

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 13 where entry=NYI; -- Feralas

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 55 where entry=NYI; -- Ghostlands

update pool_template set max_limit=118 where entry=892; -- Grizzly Hills

update pool_template set max_limit=176 where entry=890; -- Hellfire Peninsula

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 45 where entry=NYI; -- Hillsbrad Foothills

update pool_template set max_limit=175 where entry=894; -- Howling Fjord

update pool_template set max_limit=520 where entry=897; -- Icecrown

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 14 where entry=NYI; -- Isle of Quel'Danas

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 83 where entry=NYI; -- Loch Modan

-- update pool_template set max_limit=151 where entry=NYI; -- Mulgore

-- update pool_template set max_limit=163 where entry=NYI; -- Nagrand

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 94 where entry=NYI; -- Netherstorm

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 91 where entry=NYI; -- Redridge Mountains

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 35 where entry=NYI; -- Searing Gorge

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 97 where entry=NYI; -- Shadowmoon Valley

update pool_template set max_limit=413 where entry=899; -- Sholazar Basin

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 50 where entry=NYI; -- Silithus

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 58 where entry=NYI; -- Silverpine Forest

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 27 where entry=NYI; -- Stonetalon Mountains

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 67 where entry=NYI; -- Stranglethorn Vale

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 19 where entry=NYI; -- Swamp of Sorrows

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 63 where entry=NYI; -- Tanaris

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 81 where entry=NYI; -- Terokkar Forest

-- update pool_template set max_limit=177 where entry=NYI; -- The Barrens

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 68 where entry=NYI; -- The Hinterlands

update pool_template set max_limit=178 where entry=898; -- The Storm Peaks

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 58 where entry=NYI; -- Thousand Needles

-- update pool_template set max_limit=171 where entry=NYI; -- Tirisfal Glades

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 59 where entry=NYI; -- Un'Goro Crater

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 28 where entry=NYI; -- Western Plaguelands

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 62 where entry=NYI; -- Westfall

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 36 where entry=NYI; -- Wetlands

update pool_template set max_limit=200 where entry=896; -- Wintergrasp

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 42 where entry=NYI; -- Winterspring

-- update pool_template set max_limit= 73 where entry=NYI; -- Zangarmarsh

update pool_template set max_limit=167 where entry=891; -- Zul'Drak


Should I try this modification, what about the pools I'v created with .gobject add ?

I have a SQL file in Mangos/bin/Win32_Release that lists all the pools I'v created. Should I just erase this file to erase the pools created?


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