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[HELP] Spawns

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I'm trying to convert Wowhead coordinates (XY) in the coordinates used in the game (XYZ) , but not exactly how to do, try three rules to get the equivalence but do not add up, I have an error of more than 30%, quite high.

Is there any formula to make the conversion?


PD: I don't know if this thread are good here

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Yes, I think about it, the coordinate Z it's the height.

So now my question is how to take the creators of data bases to put the npcs spawns, make by hand 1 to 1, from WDB files or where?

With and coordinate addon, I can go to the exact coordinate and make Wowhead says, but they are too for do 1 to 1, I think.


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The DB creators use packet logs to find creature spawn data. It isn't stored in any WDB files, and Wowhead is neither accurate enough or reliable enough.

As for the co-ordinates, there are functions in mangos that you can dig around and find for converting map coords (0-100) into real in-game coords. Map2GameCoords or something like that. Again, no Z coordinate = no height data, so you'd have to find that for a co-ordinate.

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