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Compile scriptVC100 build error

Guest Freezingmoon

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while i'm compiling the scriptVC100 (using Visual studio 2010) it stops after ScriptMgr.cpp it gives a build error couse there's 2 overloads having similar conversions..(error code C2666). any1 has this bug and can help me out? here's the code

void DeleteFromThreatList()
       // If we do not have Illidan's GUID, do not proceed
       if (!IllidanGUID)

       // Create a pointer to Illidan
          Creature* Illidan = m_creature->GetMap()->GetCreature(IllidanGUID);

       // No use to continue if Illidan does not exist
       if (!Illidan)

       ThreatList const& tList = m_creature->getThreatManager().getThreatList();
       for (ThreatList::const_iterator itr = tList.begin();itr != tList.end(); ++itr)
           // Loop through threatlist till our GUID is found in it.
-->          if ((*itr)->getUnitGuid() == m_creature->GetGUID()) <-- here's the error
               (*itr)->removeReference();                  // Delete ourself from his threatlist.
               return;                                     // No need to continue anymore.

       // Now we delete our threatlist to prevent attacking anyone for now

does someone had this error before and can help me out??



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