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[SOLVED] (Warp command in all directions) This damn math caclulations

Guest lillecarl

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I need some help with math, i'm thinking about to implent a "warp" command to my mangos one (https://bitbucket.org/celtus/oc-patch/src/401a8dcab846/WarpCommand/warpcommand.patch)

But i want to add 2 additions to the patch, at the moment you can go forward, backward, up and down.

But i would want to add left and right aswell but i dont really know how to do the math for that, i would really appreciate if someone could help me.

Here is the forward/backward code'

   case 'f':
           float fx = x + cosf(o)*value;
           float fy = y + sinf(o)*value; 
           float fz = std::max(warpmap->GetHeight(fx, fy, MAX_HEIGHT), warpmap->GetWaterLevel(fx, fy));
           _player->TeleportTo(mapid, fx, fy, fz, o);
   case 'b':
           float bx = x - cosf(o)*value;
           float by = y - sinf(o)*value;
           float bz = std::max(warpmap->GetHeight(bx, by, MAX_HEIGHT), warpmap->GetWaterLevel(bx, by));
           _player->TeleportTo(mapid, bx, by, bz, o);

Thanks in advance

- LilleCarl

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This is what I got at AI of ormorok in Nexus

He casts spikes in b, f, l, r directions

SpikeXY[0][0] = BaseX+(SPIKE_DISTANCE*CrystalSpikes_Count*cos(BaseO));
               SpikeXY[0][1] = BaseY+(SPIKE_DISTANCE*CrystalSpikes_Count*sin(BaseO));
               SpikeXY[1][0] = BaseX-(SPIKE_DISTANCE*CrystalSpikes_Count*cos(BaseO));
               SpikeXY[1][1] = BaseY-(SPIKE_DISTANCE*CrystalSpikes_Count*sin(BaseO));
               SpikeXY[2][0] = BaseX+(SPIKE_DISTANCE*CrystalSpikes_Count*cos(BaseO-(M_PI/2)));
               SpikeXY[2][1] = BaseY+(SPIKE_DISTANCE*CrystalSpikes_Count*sin(BaseO-(M_PI/2)));
               SpikeXY[3][0] = BaseX-(SPIKE_DISTANCE*CrystalSpikes_Count*cos(BaseO-(M_PI/2)));
               SpikeXY[3][1] = BaseY-(SPIKE_DISTANCE*CrystalSpikes_Count*sin(BaseO-(M_PI/2)));

I guess you can use it to evaluate it for your use

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Solved this is how it looks atm:

   case 'u':
           _player->TeleportTo(mapid, x, y, z + value, o);
   case 'd':
           _player->TeleportTo(mapid, x, y, z - value, o);
   case 'f':
           float fx = x + cosf(o)*value;
           float fy = y + sinf(o)*value; 
           _player->TeleportTo(mapid, fx, fy, z, o);
   case 'b':
           float bx = x - cosf(o)*value;
           float by = y - sinf(o)*value;
           _player->TeleportTo(mapid, bx, by, z, o);
   case 'r':
           float lx = x + cos(o-(M_PI/2))*value;
           float ly = y + sin(o-(M_PI/2))*value;
           _player->TeleportTo(mapid, lx, ly, z, o);
   case 'l':
           float rx = x - cos(o-(M_PI/2))*value;
           float ry = y - sin(o-(M_PI/2))*value;
           _player->TeleportTo(mapid, rx, ry, z, o);

Next step is how the actual orientation is working, as i see it the max value of the orientation is somewhere around 6,2 and that makes me clueless when i wanna write a command to turn around exaxtly, lets say 30 degrees (is degrees the correct word?)

- LilleCarl

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All orientation in Mangos is done in radians, 1 radian = 180 degrees

Max value of orientation is 2M_PI (3.14*2 = ~6.28) witch alseo equals 0 (2 radians are full cycle)

To turn right you need to substract 'value' from current orientation.

30 degrees = M_PI / 6

So the new orientation would be 'o - value' (if the value is given in radians)

Also this rule should be followed:

0 < orientation < 2M_PI

This should work:

if (orientation < 0.0f)
 orientation += 2.0f * M_PI;
else if (orientation > 2* M_PI)
 orientation -= 2.0f * M_PI;

Turning around would be 'o - M_PI'

Degrees to radians can be converted with 'radians = degrees * M_PI / 180.0f'

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  • 9 months later...

Working now! 100%

bool ChatHandler::HandleWarpCommand(char* args)
   // Based on a concept by Pwntzyou
   if (!*args)
       return false;

   Player* _player = m_session->GetPlayer();

   char* arg1 = strtok((char*)args, " ");
   char* arg2 = strtok(NULL, " ");

   if (! arg1)
       return false;

   if (! arg2)
       return false;

   char dir = arg1[0];
   int value = (int)atoi(arg2);
   float x = _player->GetPositionX();
   float y = _player->GetPositionY();
   float z = _player->GetPositionZ();
   float o = _player->GetOrientation();
   uint32 mapid = _player->GetMapId();
   PSendSysMessage("Value is: %i",value);

   switch (dir)
   case 'x':
           float xx = x + cosf(o)*value;
           float xy = y + sinf(o)*value; 
           _player->TeleportTo(mapid, xx, xy, z, o);
   case 'y':
           float yx = x + cos(o-(M_PI/2))*value;
           float yy = y + sin(o-(M_PI/2))*value;
           _player->TeleportTo(mapid, yx, yy, z, o);
   case 'z':
           _player->TeleportTo(mapid, x, y, z + value, o);
   case 'o':
           o = o - (value * M_PI / 180.0f);

           if (o < 0.0f) o += value * M_PI;
           else if (o > 2* M_PI) o -= value * M_PI;
   return true;

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