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Some help with patching?


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Ok, I am trying to apply a patch to mangos and keep getting errors. I decide to try and patch manually, however; I'm a noob when it comes to these things. I was wondering if someone could assist me with understanding the diff file and exactly how to read it.

This is a section of the patch:

[== c++ ==]
diff --git a/src/game/Item.cpp b/src/game/Item.cpp index 7035efb..1616211 100644 
--- a/src/game/Item.cpp 
+++ b/src/game/Item.cpp 
@@ -258,7 +258,6 @@ bool Item::Create(uint32 guidlow, uint32 itemid, Player const* owner)
     ItemPrototype const* itemProto = ObjectMgr::GetItemPrototype(itemid);
     if (!itemProto)
         return false;
    SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT, 1);
    SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_MAXDURABILITY, itemProto->MaxDurability);
    SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURABILITY, itemProto->MaxDurability);

This is the file segment:

[== c++ ==]
bool Item::Create(uint32 guidlow, uint32 itemid, Player const* owner)
   Object::_Create(guidlow, 0, HIGHGUID_ITEM);


   SetGuidValue(ITEM_FIELD_OWNER, owner ? owner->GetObjectGuid() : ObjectGuid());
   SetGuidValue(ITEM_FIELD_CONTAINED, ObjectGuid());

   ItemPrototype const* itemProto = ObjectMgr::GetItemPrototype(itemid);
   if (!itemProto)
       return false;

   SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_MAXDURABILITY, itemProto->MaxDurability);
   SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURABILITY, itemProto->MaxDurability);

   for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITEM_PROTO_SPELLS; ++i)

   SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION, itemProto->Duration);

   return true;

Two questions I need answered in order completely understand patch/diff files. First, @@ -258,7 +258,6 @@, I understand those mean (start,count) though I couldn't find anything on what exactly the count means. Second, with the above example, which line(s) would be removed from the file? Would it only be the blank line or all 3 of the SetUInt32's as well?

I appreciate any and all help that you guys can give me on this. If I happened to post this in the wrong forum, I apologize and ask that a mod move it to the correct forum.

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