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Can't save player data

Divine WoW

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I completely compiled mangos and the databases have been updated to latest from scratch.

But when I or a different GM try to save themselfs or .saveall or when a player logs out the server crashes and I keep getting the same errors.

errors from server log:

  • 2011-07-08 22:41:51 ERROR:SQL: UPDATE saved_variables SET NextMonthlyQuestResetTime = '1312149600'
  • 2011-07-08 22:41:51 ERROR:SQL ERROR: Unknown column 'NextMonthlyQuestResetTime' in 'field list'
  • 2011-07-08 22:47:41 ERROR:SQL: SELECt caster_guid,item_guid,spell,stackcount,remaincharges,basepoints0,basepoints1,basepoints2,periodictime0,periodictime1,periodictime2,maxduration,remaintime,effIndexMask FROM character_aura WHERE guid = '7'
  • 2011-07-08 22:47:41 ERROR:query ERROR: Unknown column 'item_guid' in 'field list'
  • 2011-07-08 22:47:41 ERROR:SQL: SELECT setguid, setindex, name, iconname, ignore_mask, item0, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13, item14, item15, item16, item17, item18 FROM character_equipmentsets WHERE guid = '7' ORDER BY setindex
  • 2011-07-08 22:47:41 ERROR:query ERROR: Unknown column 'ignore_mask' in 'field list'
  • 2011-07-08 22:47:45 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFG_GET_STATUS (0x0296)
  • 2011-07-08 22:52:23 ERROR:SQL: mysql_stmt_prepare() failed for 'INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, caster_guid, item_guid, spell, stackcount, remaincharges, basepoints0, basepoints1, basepoints2, periodictime0, periodictime1, periodictime2, maxduration, remaintime, effIndexMask) VALUES
    (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
  • 2011-07-08 22:52:23 ERROR:SQL ERROR: Unknown column 'item_guid' in 'field list'

Error from crash report:

  • Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
  • Fault address: 009C0BA9 01:005BFBA9 C:\\Mangos\\mangosd.exe

  • Registers:
  • EAX:00000000
  • EBX:7FF8FF40
  • ECX:70740A80
  • EDX:00000000
  • ESI:00000000
  • EDI:009CB2E0
  • CS:EIP:001B:009C0BA9
  • SS:ESP:0023:029DFE44 EBP:029DFE50
  • DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000
  • Flags:00010246

  • Call stack:
  • Address Frame Function SourceFile
  • 009C0BA9 00000000 SqlConnection::ExecuteStmt+29
  • 009CBF37 00000000 SqlPreparedRequest::Execute+57
  • 009CBD50 00000000 SqlTransaction::Execute+D0
  • 009D0DCA 00000000 SqlDelayThread::ProcessRequests+3A
  • 009D0D37 00000000 SqlDelayThread::run+57
  • 009CB2F9 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
  • 00292FE4 00000000 __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCB37C
  • 78543433 00000000 _endthreadex+44
  • 785434C7 00000000 _endthreadex+D8
  • 77E6482F 00000000 GetModuleHandleA+DF

  • Call stack:
  • Address Frame Function SourceFile
  • 7C82847C 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0
  • 77E61C8D 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12
  • 0024A044 00000000 __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFF823DC
  • 002B87FA 00000000 __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFF0B92
  • 002B4A2F 00000000 __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFECDC7
  • 0068324A 00000000 WorldSocketMgr::Wait+4A
  • 7F00A704 00000000 0000:00000000
  • 7F00A704 00000000 0000:00000000
  • 6C696146 00000000

Please help me cuase I've been trying to figure this out for a couple of days already...

Thanks alot!

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I think you did not apply the database updates properly, for example the error

2011-07-08 22:47:41 ERROR:query ERROR: Unknown column 'item_guid' in 'field list'

should not happen if you have the updates correctly since that field was added from 10332_01_characters_character_aura.sql

Additional information would be useful, mangos revision number, 3rd party database (if used)

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@ antiroot

I have not 'yet' updated the character databases just becuase the update number is to high for me to add those patches..?

I will reapply the given characters.sql, ok so I reapplied the characters.sql but the character_db_version is set to required_11704_01_characters_auction and I can't apply any earlier updates....

and for the other info you requested, I just used the given .sql's to create the databases and update. populated the mangos database with the latest udb. then applied the ACID.

Hope this helps

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I would do as Vladimir suggests, using the supplied sql/characters.sql file will give you the latest version of the characters database and no updates will be required.

To me it almost seems like your only updating the version numbers and not actually applying any updates, but following Vladimir's suggestion will resolve the issue regardless of how/why your characters database is missing pieces

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@ antiroot

I have not 'yet' updated the character databases just becuase the update number is to high for me to add those patches..?

I will reapply the given characters.sql, ok so I reapplied the characters.sql but the character_db_version is set to required_11704_01_characters_auction and I can't apply any earlier updates....

and for the other info you requested, I just used the given .sql's to create the databases and update. populated the mangos database with the latest udb. then applied the ACID.

Hope this helps

If you use the characters.sql included with mangos, it will always be up to date. You only need to apply updates when you update mangos.

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