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Crash: Eastern Plagelands

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MaNGOS Core: Latest version of yesterday. 11748

Linux Centos 5.6 Final 32bit.

Using YTDB with ScriptDev2.

Server Uptime: the full day, until someone went to Eatsern Plagelands. (City under Strattholme)

Coodinates: 32.18, 32.24, 32.34, 35.30 and 37.18

DC's on our public server: 12 times in oné minute.

Before uptime 1 week :)

No DC if you delete the creature template.

Debug Mode Server ERROR at the end:

Sending SMSG_SPELL_START id=16592

Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO id=16592

Spell 16592 Effect0 : 6 Targets: Creature (Entry: 8553 Guid: 53477), -, -

Spell: Aura is: 126

Aura: construct Spellid : 16592, Aura : 126 Target : 1 Damage : -20

Spell 16592 Effect1 : 6 Targets: Creature (Entry: 8553 Guid: 53477), -, -

Spell: Aura is: 79

Aura: construct Spellid : 16592, Aura : 79 Target : 1 Damage : 20

AURA MOD DAMAGE type:32 negative:0

Holder of spell 16592 now is in use

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_FACING (218, 0xDA) opcode


03 92 31 00 00 00 03 00 | 00 D9 97 1D 02 58 24 39

45 E8 D4 61 C5 5B 31 1F | 43 15 24 56 40 EB 97 D9

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_PITCH (219, 0xDB) opcode


03 92 31 00 00 00 03 00 | 00 D9 97 1D 02 58 24 39

45 E8 D4 61 C5 5B 31 1F | 43 15 24 56 40 30 46 47

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_START_FORWARD (181, 0xB5) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 00 03 00 | 00 D9 97 1D 02 58 24 39

45 E8 D4 61 C5 5B 31 1F | 43 15 24 56 40 30 46 47

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_HEARTBEAT (238, 0xEE) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 00 03 00 | 00 CD 99 1D 02 59 0A 37

45 68 44 62 C5 B1 6C 18 | 43 15 24 56 40 30 46 47

BE 00 00 00 00

Player Ginta relocation grid[37,25]cell[4,1]->grid[37,25]cell[3,1]

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_STOP (183, 0xB7) opcode


03 92 31 00 00 00 03 00 | 00 D3 99 1D 02 E4 03 37

45 BF 45 62 C5 E6 57 18 | 43 15 24 56 40 30 46 47

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_FACING (218, 0xDA) opcode


03 92 31 00 00 00 03 00 | 00 DF 9E 1D 02 E4 03 37

45 BF 45 62 C5 E6 57 18 | 43 33 FD 8A 40 30 46 47

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_START_FORWARD (181, 0xB5) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 00 03 00 | 00 DF 9E 1D 02 E4 03 37

45 BF 45 62 C5 E6 57 18 | 43 33 FD 8A 40 9E 30 8D

BE 00 00 00 00

Sending SMSG_SPELL_START id=12420

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_STOP (183, 0xB7) opcode


03 92 31 00 00 00 03 00 | 00 7C A0 1D 02 5D 63 36

45 E0 E4 63 C5 C4 78 10 | 43 33 FD 8A 40 9E 30 8D

BE 00 00 00 00

Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO id=12420

Spell 12420 Effect0 : 56 Targets: Creature (Entry: 8553 Guid: 53477), -, -

Loading map ./maps/0006031.map

VMapManager2: loading file './vmaps/Pirateship_Plank.wmo'.

VMAP loaded name:Eastern Kingdoms, id:0, x:60, y:31 (vmap rep.: x:60, y:31)

Creature 1 used AI is EventAI.

Pet (Petnumber: 920953 Guid: 1) enters grid[37,25]

New Pet has guid 1


WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_START_FORWARD (181, 0xB5) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 00 03 00 | 00 35 A6 1D 02 5D 63 36

45 E0 E4 63 C5 C4 78 10 | 43 33 FD 8A 40 9E 30 8D

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_FACING (218, 0xDA) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 00 03 00 | 00 36 A6 1D 02 F9 62 36

45 E1 E5 63 C5 E3 73 10 | 43 58 B3 83 40 9E 30 8D

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_PITCH (219, 0xDB) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 00 03 00 | 00 36 A6 1D 02 F9 62 36

45 E1 E5 63 C5 E3 73 10 | 43 58 B3 83 40 00 98 44

BF 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_START_ASCEND (857, 0x359) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 40 03 00 | 00 50 A6 1D 02 34 57 36

45 35 F7 63 C5 3B 30 0F | 43 58 B3 83 40 00 98 44

BF 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_HEARTBEAT (238, 0xEE) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 40 03 00 | 00 44 A8 1D 02 DC 7B 35

45 E2 40 65 C5 E8 EF 27 | 43 DA 13 84 40 00 98 44

BF 00 00 00 00

Player Ginta relocation grid[37,25]cell[3,1]->grid[37,25]cell[3,0]

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_HEARTBEAT (238, 0xEE) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 40 03 00 | 00 38 AA 1D 02 BD A2 34

45 05 8C 66 C5 95 AF 40 | 43 88 94 84 40 6D EC 43

BF 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_STOP_ASCEND (858, 0x35A) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 00 03 00 | 00 F6 AA 1D 02 20 52 34

45 13 0B 67 C5 24 17 4A | 43 B3 B4 84 40 6D EC 43

BF 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_STOP (183, 0xB7) opcode


03 92 31 00 00 00 03 00 | 00 5B AC 1D 02 C6 B5 33

45 58 FD 67 C5 2C C7 38 | 43 06 34 84 40 6D EC 43

BF 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_FACING (218, 0xDA) opcode


03 92 31 00 00 00 03 00 | 00 F1 B0 1D 02 C6 B5 33

45 58 FD 67 C5 2C C7 38 | 43 D4 DE A3 40 6D EC 43

BF 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_PITCH (219, 0xDB) opcode


03 92 31 00 00 00 03 00 | 00 F1 B0 1D 02 C6 B5 33

45 58 FD 67 C5 2C C7 38 | 43 D4 DE A3 40 EC C0 23

BF 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_START_FORWARD (181, 0xB5) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 00 03 00 | 00 F1 B0 1D 02 C6 B5 33

45 58 FD 67 C5 2C C7 38 | 43 D4 DE A3 40 EC C0 23

BF 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_PITCH (219, 0xDB) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 00 03 00 | 00 44 B2 1D 02 58 32 34

45 3F 16 69 C5 53 DC 2A | 43 65 82 A6 40 22 E7 00

BF 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_PITCH (219, 0xDB) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 00 03 00 | 00 AC B2 1D 02 54 64 34

45 03 72 69 C5 C2 A7 27 | 43 EC A3 A7 40 00 2B C8

BE 00 00 00 00

Player Ginta relocation grid[37,25]cell[3,0]->grid[37,24]cell[3,7]


Time sync received: counter 6, client ticks 35500753, time since last sync 10056

Our ticks: 35500803, diff 50, latency 26

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_FACING (218, 0xDA) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 00 03 00 | 00 F1 B2 1D 02 B0 89 34

45 6C AF 69 C5 BD E2 25 | 43 6A EC AD 40 1B BE B6

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_START_ASCEND (857, 0x359) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 40 03 00 | 00 F1 B2 1D 02 B0 89 34

45 6C AF 69 C5 BD E2 25 | 43 6A EC AD 40 C6 4B A1

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_FACING (218, 0xDA) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 40 03 00 | 00 14 B3 1D 02 05 9C 34

45 36 C4 69 C5 3C 9E 27 | 43 AE D1 B1 40 C6 4B A1

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_FACING (218, 0xDA) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 40 03 00 | 00 5D B3 1D 02 86 C8 34

45 0E E9 69 C5 3E 3B 2B | 43 9B 76 B5 40 9C 92 96

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_FACING (218, 0xDA) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 40 03 00 | 00 C7 B3 1D 02 C6 0E 35

45 F5 16 6A C5 67 7A 30 | 43 C2 7E BB 40 C7 4B A1

BE 00 00 00 00

WORLD: Recvd MSG_MOVE_SET_FACING (218, 0xDA) opcode


03 92 31 01 00 40 03 00 | 00 EA B3 1D 02 0A 28 35

45 5C 22 6A C5 E6 35 32 | 43 DB 43 BF 40 61 0A B0

BE 00 00 00 00

mangosd: /root/core32/mangos/src/game/MotionMaster.cpp:118: void MotionMaster::DirectClean(bool, bool): Assertion `"!empty()" && 0' failed.

/root/core32/mangos/src/game/MotionMaster.cpp:118: Error: Assertion in DirectClean failed: !empty()./r2: line 22: 22695 Aborted ./$mangosd

Mangos-worldd crashed, restarting in 10 seconds..

file Motion Master Git: https://github.com/mangos/mangos/blob/master/src/game/MotionMaster.cpp

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