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To everyone asking people to merge branches into branches!

Guest lillecarl

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Im tired of everyone asking people with lets say vehicle branch to merge in anticheat and so on... so i were thinking.... hmm i can learn people how damn easy it is to do it themselves =)

1st You clone mangos (You probably already have but anyways... ;))

2nd You choose a damn branch you like

3rd You do "cd" into the mangos clone, then you type this: git remote add REPONAME REPOURL (example: git remote add mmaps https://github.com/faramir118/mangos.git)

4th Type: git fetch REPONAME (example: git fetch mmaps)

5th Type: git merge REPONAME/BRANCHNAME (example: git merge mmaps/mmaps_rewrite)

Now hopefully there are no confilcts, i cannot really be arsed to write a guide on how to resolve conflicts since i only know how to do it with raw files or tortoisegit but someone else might be able to help you with that :)

- LilleCarl

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