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Gameobjects not appearing, but they do if I delete/insert them???


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Revision 1994

DB patched up to 11773, based on complete UDB + UDB patches up to 401 + additional mangos patches

Hopefully can some helpful soul shed some light on a rather obscure issue!

Quite a lot of gameobjects are simply missing in the game after startup. MaNGOS starts without problems, and reports for gameobjects:

>> Loaded 101586 gameobjects

There are LOTS of items in the game, but one item that is missing almost overall is gameobject with id = 1731, that is based on gameobject_template entry = 1731. Minerals overall are sorely lacking...

Tried in-game adding an object with id 1731 (.gobject add 1731) and it appears without problem, respawns also. So just to test... in the db, I deleted all gameobjects with id = 1731 and then re-inserted all rows without specifying guid, having the db create new guid for all rows. So as an example for one row:

delete from gameobject where id = 1731;

insert into `gameobject` (`id`, `map`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `rotation0`, `rotation1`, `rotation2`, `rotation3`, `spawntimesecs`, `animprogress`, `state`) values('1731','0','1','1','-392','-1775','113.071','5.827','0','0','0','0','60','255','1');

All inserts are based on the original id = 1731 rows, given guids > 200000 (default I guess).

Now every object with id 1731 appear as wanted after startup! But not a good solution of course this will mess upp guids and table dependencies, not to mention future patching will be a mess. :D

Any ideas or thoughts???

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I'm having the same problems, minerals and herbs are way too low with no real clear way of increasing the # of spawned pools. As a guess I tried running around some of the other zones that I don't normally frequent and there are a few spawns, but not nearly as many as their should be.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


WOW - 3.3.5A

Mangos - 11743

UDB - Up to Date

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I have a query (use at own risk!) that increases the pool size.

However this overall increase is rather a bad way, but easy to get on with:

UPDATE pool_template SET max_limit=ROUND(max_limit*1.5) WHERE description LIKE "%master%mineral%";

btw, this topic belongs to database forums, and at least on udb there are already some topics including better queries; however as it is closed currently I guess it is ok to post this here, too

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Hello again!

Schmoozerd, thanks. I tried that, but am still seeing very few minerals. Is it OK to mention specific game areas in here...? In this case is the checking area G@rrison Armory. ;)

Very few even after the query. Also tried another approach, and it did increase a little, but not much there either:

UPDATE pool_gameobject SET chance = chance + 50 WHERE description LIKE 'Mineral%';

Current MAX chance was 40, so above is easy to revert. Don't know if the chance field is % though and my coding skill is way to low to go into digging C++, so your assistance and suggestions are appreciated!

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btw, this topic belongs to database forums, and at least on udb there are already some topics including better queries; however as it is closed currently I guess it is ok to post this here, too

If you're talking about the UDB Forum thread I think you're talking about, these may be the queries you're referring to. If not, please excuse the intrusion.

update pool_template pt join (select pgo.pool_entry, count(1) zone_total from pool_gameobject pgo join pool_template pt on pgo.pool_entry=pt.entry where pt.description like "MASTER%" or pt.description like "%MASTER" group by pool_entry) tpgo on pt.entry = tpgo.pool_entry set pt.max_limit=ceil(tpgo.zone_total/3);

update pool_template pt join (select pp.mother_pool, count(1) pool_total from pool_pool pp join pool_template pt on pp.mother_pool=pt.entry where pt.description like "MASTER%" or pt.description like "%MASTER" group by mother_pool) tpp on pt.entry = tpp.mother_pool set pt.max_limit=ceil(tpp.pool_total/3);

These set the number of "active" spawns of each category in each zone to 1/3 of the total number of available spawns for that category in that zone, rounding up. This fraction was chosen arbitrarily, and it isn't thoroughly tested, but may be an improvement; YMMV. If you can come up with a better way of deciding what fraction of spawns to activate, please share.

To preview the changes these updates will make, use these queries:

select pt.description, pt.max_limit, ceil(tpgo.zone_total/3) new_limit from pool_template pt join (select pgo.pool_entry, count(1) zone_total from pool_gameobject pgo join pool_template pt on pgo.pool_entry=pt.entry where pt.description like "MASTER%" or pt.description like "%MASTER" group by pool_entry) tpgo on pt.entry = tpgo.pool_entry order by description;

select pt.description, pt.max_limit, ceil(tpp.pool_total/3) new_limit from pool_template pt join (select pp.mother_pool, count(1) pool_total from pool_pool pp join pool_template pt on pp.mother_pool=pt.entry where pt.description like "MASTER%" or pt.description like "%MASTER" group by mother_pool) tpp on pt.entry = tpp.mother_pool order by description;

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Very few even after the query. Also tried another approach, and it did increase a little, but not much there either:

UPDATE pool_gameobject SET chance = chance + 50 WHERE description LIKE 'Mineral%';

Of course that didn't help, it just screws the chances for selecting the type of mineral that will spawn, which happens after that location has already been selected.

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