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ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFG_GET_STATUS (0x0296


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Mangos Version: 11794

Custom Patches: /

SD2 Version: I don't know. There is 2285 in the core's name.

Database Name and Version : YTDB_0.14.3_R600_MaNGOS_R11581_SD2_R2151_ACID_R308_RuDB_R39

How it SHOULD work:

How it DOES work: When I try a command like :


-.gob near

-.gob target

Mangos.exe stopped after this error : ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFG_GET_STATUS (0x0296)

I have create some gameobjects for an old version of mangos.(with Displayid from the patchs.mpq. I modified the dbc files too).

I have transfered this gameobjects and its guids and son on in my new db, but all those gameobjects are invisible !

But, when I use the ".gob add" commands, they are visible !

I don't if the bug come from here...but i prefer to say it ! ^^

Ps : Sorry for my bad english, I'm french ;)

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