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Side learn on js script for msg plus


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Hi there i wonder if someone here knows how to make msn plus script ?

if so maby got time to help me just an quicky on how to make for example

"bot" when OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage (the message = !learn (text) (the anwser)

it saves the (text) to "receive,Entryname" and the (the anwser) to "Answer" to this

specific lines of codes but an extra more like my example under it (the Flag Status ext with entry 0)(exept the DelayEnabled and Enable)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>






<Entry name="!ping">











My example :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>






<Entry name="!ping">










<Entry name="!learn">


<Answer>The answer</Answer>









AWNSER HERE OR EMAIL ON My mail If YOu can creat one for me in an quicky

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