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Auction Bot


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Is there any way to have some sort of auction bot what puts stuff in the auction houses?

What im trying to say: If people wanna sell/buy stuff, they normaly sell/buy it in the auction house, not in a shop. There they can put a high price (or low price :P), or buy/bid on stuff.

But this time it isn't a player, but a bot what places stuff on there.

This is usefull on low-popalation servers/LAN servers (like mine) as it make the game more challenging/realistic/fun (etc.)

Thanks in advance

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Have a look at: https://github.com/mangos/mangos/blob/master/src/game/AuctionHouseBot/ahbot.conf.dist.in

Just place a ahbot.conf file in your config directory next to mangosd.conf and realmd.conf, modify

AuctionHouseBot.Seller.Enabled = 1

and maybe

AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Enabled = 1


After that feel free to modify the other numbers.



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Sorry, but I don't know russian :(;)

постоянно просматириваю новости по этой теме, у getmangos.eu интересная точка зрения на этот счет

Translate from Google Translator (Russian - English):

constantly prosmatirivayu news on this topic in getmangos.eu interesting point of view on this matter

If "prosmatirivayu" would have been translated, I would have understand you, so please say it in English, Spanish, German or Dutch (because those I understand)

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Auctionhouse Bot, also called AHBot, is already included in the MaNGOS core, rmensen. With it, you can have the bot put random items up for auction, buy or bid on items from other players, and use the AHBot commands to put specific items up for auction. There is also a database table that allows you to configure price markup by item type and which types of items can be offered for auction.

There is an alternative implementation of Auctionhouse Bot used by other forks of MaNGOS. It's based on the original version which requires setting up a player account with a character that is used as the bot. Some regard this one as more stable and it offers a little more flexibility in how auctions and buying are done, in part because you can log in as the character assigned as the bot to manually do bids and auctions.

The version developed by cyberium is used in the official MaNGOS core and does not require using a player account to create the bot. It has seen a great many improvements and is already much more stable than the development version, so you may disregard rumors about instability.

By reading the mangosd.conf file, you can see there are many other features also included for configuring and customizing your server. Just make sure you place all the conf files in your server directory, so MaNGOS will be able to use those features.

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  • 1 month later...
So I guess it wont work only adding the ahbot.conf

And you guessed that because of what? Ahbot is a MaNGOS feature, independent of your database, meaning IF your core has it implemented your fine. So in favor of your own signature try adding ahbot.conf and enable the bot. Wait for the magic to happen.



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I ment,

Would it be easyer to reinstall new core frome scratch or is ther an easy way to update Mangos.

Or I'm I missing something because the ahbot.conf file is inside my ...\\mangos\\ dir and I did enable seller and buyer inside.

Again, I guess I'll look stupid for thoes who have been working around mangos for a while.

On my side, my server is up following the step by step on this forum and has been running for about 1 year. without probleme.

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in case I got you right, you have to update your database quite drastic. I would (first backup the character database and afterwards) update the characters database to the latest. For everything else it is easier to create a fresh database. The core you build the latest and merge your mangosd.conf and realmd.conf. For everything else you better ask mangos wiki or search this forum.



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