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[Solved!][Zero][Win7] Script Errors




Solved! - Stupid mistake, I ran mangos.sql which was included with the server. It wiped out my database(full_db.sql).

This is from a fresh install, everything pulled straight from the mangoszero github. I have successfully build and ran mangos about 3-4 years ago. I may have missed something that should be a simple fix I hope.

I am getting a lot of SD2 errors like: "2013-04-12 10:43:12 Script registering but ScriptName go_elune_fire is not assigned in database. Script will not be used."

I have imported all the included SQL files downloaded with SD2.

I've looked in databases that they're supposed to update, however no changes are made. For example the mangos > creature_template table has only one entry before and after I import the SQL via the command prompt.

I am logged into the #zero IRC if anyone would like to chat there.

Thanks for the help!

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