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Warcraft Memorys!


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Have memorys to share? Everyone has fond (and noobish) moments they remember =P

By all means share them, remember more later? Share them too!

I have heard some good ones over the years. =)

Let me start this ball rolling. =) (mine will be classic memorys)

Fond memorys: One that comes back to me is the first time i ran deadmines, i had never healed before, but i was a priest so got invited. I managed somehow, but then used the gnomish shrink ray on the first boss, only for it to backfire and shrink US instead.

I didn't tangle with gnomish inventions much after that, as the early rate of success on their items..was minimal!

People dropping professions to disenchant their t1 when getting upgrades. Oh the price of nexus crystals, thankfully with the level1 enchanting being able to disenchant them.

Waiting for lil timmy by his spawn point, fishing while waiting, gaining lots of skill before he spawned. I had invited a friend to join and wanted to give her the kitten =P

The first time i heard the aq40 whisperings..so horrid, even worse memorys of the twin emporer fight, finally downing them though, only to arrive at cthun not long after, and having one person run in..getting the entire group killed by not being in there too.

First time entering naxx..being overawed, the chillingness of the music, the feel of the entire raid...the trash and how it would wipe a group quickly if mishandled.

Noob moment!: Im not scared to look like a newb =P

I had never played a mmorpg before Wow. I was already an addictive gamer, and a whole world to explore? Yes, i stayed away knowing i would surely get addicted..but then a friend talked me into it with much begging and pleading, as at the time they were one of the beta players.

Upon release, i bought it, and read only class types in the manual. i chose a mage..and that led to me logging on and ...

'wow theres people over there, I will go and talk to them! Wait..why did they just kill me..all i said was hi!

*trys again and gets killed*

'gee this isnt very friendly, i thought my friend said i could do quests and fun stuff with others... but all the people here want to do is pretend its a fps game and kill me! *tried one last time..got killed again* logged out.

And THAT is how i first met the defias in the vineyard patch of northshire..and also how i learnt what a 'npc' was. =P HEY i was human and so where they, i figured we were on the same team ;) See now THATS a noob moment.

It goes to show..always read the manual. *laughing*


P.s dont be shy about posting, if you have read this then you have likely played wow at some point, so you too will have memorys. =)


I do have very fond memories of the early classic days.

We all scoured the plaguelands, and rand Scholomance, or Stratholme for many weeks, and got sidetracked by Nathanos in the Eastern Plaguelands. Back then he was a prominent target for Alliance raids, since most raids not even were able to get behind the first boss in Molten Core.

So our little Horde raid would hide a few yards away, and wait for Alliance raids, sending on scout there to die for us when they came.

And then while the Alliance raids would attack Nathanos, we would counter attack :D

Also, back in summer 2005, we engaged in the Battle for Darrowshire. I can not describe the epic feeling and sadness attached to the whole quest chain and the story. We all were totally heartbroken by that story.

So yeah, that is my most fond moments.

Well, I have to admit I loved the Alterac Valley battles which took two days a lot, too.


I see a few have read this, but not posted!

Dont be shy ;) your noob moments cant be as bad as mine.!

More memorys anyway =)

The playerbase back then was helpful and being called a noob didnt really exist much. =p Trolls in chat channels were ignored, not fed.

16 slot bags were considered awesome!

Landing at the Eastern plaguelands flightpath during scourge invasion event and wondering what this new madness was. (*grins*)

Going to help people with hogger, and how generally people would help because it was considered 'the thing to do' in a game.

Good memorys Luda, battle for darrowshire was indeed epic! Though Pamela and her doll haunted me a little. =(

One last one for now, getting my first epic mount..oh how i saved! =P



I have a few fond memories of being a noob (even if i am still one at times! )

The first dungeon I was ever taken to was Wailing Caverns and I didnt have a mount at the time (this was pre lvl 20 mount! ) and I remember running through Barrens wondering what kind of madness this was (Half zebra giraffes!)

My first toon ever was a human paladin, and I didnt realize there was an auto attack, i continued to Hit 1 ( the default weapon/auto attack ) and couldnt figure out why i was always dying but never attacking ( Shortly after i made a druid and never turned back! )

I didnt know what flight points where so I literally Swam every where, i went from Teld to Desolace by swimming across the coast line once.

The first guild i ever joined was a really amazing group of people ( very small 5 of us in total) and we went daily to Dire Maul West getting a little farther each day, looking back at it now we were total noobs trying to get through that place!

Running around Arathi Highlands asking people if they had seen the pathing quest boss and 3-4 of us teaming up just to get him down

My first Strath run and being told to open a mail box to see if i had mail.....much to my surprise I was a dead druid in about 5 seconds :P

Running through Wetlands and being curious about a strange part of the map, I found myself against some elite dragons to which I didnt make it out alive :P

Some that i can think of atm!

Hope to see more from others!! :)


first visit in Orgrimmar and what a shock. so many Generals were speaking that days.

few hours later i found out, that was the name of the channel.

second one was another "first visit", this time in cross roads. and as usually, there were a group of ally attacking npc's. i still have some screenshots from that visit.

and the last most memorable. it was during wotlk, weekly raid in tempest keep. few people i knew and about 20 random from trade channel. Last boss died and phoenix droped. everyone rolled. i got 22 or something, but another guy got the same number. another roll, and i won it. i was the most hated person on that server for a month or so :)


16 slot bags... that reminds me, I did not have more than 12 slot bags before summer 2005. And oh boy... when I got lucky on the first drop of Onyxias bag, that was a proud day.

Also... none of us could afford the epic mount, and we worked for months to afford it. Most in my guild bought there epic mounts in early 2006, and until then we simply had to use the slow mounts. Two or three people on my realm had the original epic mounts which were replaced in patch 1.4, and everyone who had one kept it even though the new armoured mounts were supposed to be prettier.

And one last thing... countless Stratholme Baron runs with four players before the dungeon was nerfed down. That itself was epic, and damn hard timing. Before we could get our hands on Molten Core gear, we hardly ever made the 45 minute timer, and had to watch the death of the girl.

What else? The Blackrock mountain PvP. That itself was great. I played a Troll priest back then, and every time I mind controlled a human paladin into the lava.... it just was pure awesome. It was as if you could see a dumb look in the human model when it was about to be roasted to death.

Finally.... how many times did you folks run Zul'Farrak? The stair event back then, the zombie doctor, all that combined, for us it was just great.

I could go on for hours, since vanilla WoW was and still is by far the best version of WoW. I've played all following expansions, been there for the Cataclysm, but it never got that good. The need for effort invested after all was one huge part of the gameplay whose removal killed a lot of fun.


@kupix how lucky to win it on a tied roll! I dont think thats something i would forget either!

This actually reminds me of a time Ela will not forgive me for bringing up, but we were running aq20 with someone we randomly seen advertising to take lowbies through on trade so went for the fun of it, and even though we didnt want any of the gear ect the guy running us made us roll for every single piece via /roll and if we ever got a tie we had to /roll 1000 instead of out of 100!

@TheLuda That stair event in ZF was always interesting! I can still remember my first time healing that event!


Wow now there's some memorys! =P

Especially the crossroads, I was alliance and thats where I learnt of dishonorable kills. =( lol

Mmm I ran with a consistent group weekly during wrath for that mount, and only seen it drop once in a year, your so lucky Kupix!

Ony bag, such a source of pride to own. Bragging rights were ensured. ;)

Zf i ran alot, mainly at 60 duo, the stair event was still a touch daunting as it was a priest/huntard combo, a marskman hunter at that.

Ahh the aq20 run of hell. I remember that..ugh. I was sure we were being trolled and likely are on youtube somewhere =p

A few more memorys:classic, our guild had a contracted herbalist, who did mostly nothing but herb allll day everyday. We didnt have much time to farm with progression being first and foremost, so we would just do a loot sell day of bwl or mc. Surprising just how many paid (back then) what seemed to be massive amounts for a piece of t1 or t2.

Another..which surprised me as it had never happened in all the aq40 runs i had ever done..but during wotlk..my 60 twinky, got ported to his stomach =p just as he was near dying..so i was there like i was on a trampoline...going up and down..up and down..it wouldnt let me out! the raid saw a draeneis head coming out of the floor then dissapearing! so i ran into his stomach acid and died in it..it then put my corpse in cthuns room..i was dead with the stomach acid buff on me, people would res my toon..only for it to instantly die again..and again..and again. =p the debuff wasnt going away. I was in tears of laughter..especially when people who were ressing me were like 'wtf?!'

Seeing stitches for the first time in classic..wondering what he dropped, a 60 coming along and downing it with us in group..and bleck his femur. ;)

Keep those memorys coming!



In alterac battleground, in the middle they were a boss for a quest ( I don't remember exactly who, but it was for a level 51 blue polearms ) at first I was like damn since when there is a such npc here and then when he got kill I had my quest finished. Best quest I ever did without understanding it


In alterac battleground, in the middle they were a boss for a quest ( I don't remember exactly who, but it was for a level 51 blue polearms ) at first I was like damn since when there is a such npc here and then when he got kill I had my quest finished. Best quest I ever did without understanding it



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