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[SOLVED] problems with mangos zero




so i just recently got mangos zero built and running (32bit version built on 8/20/2013 using visual studio express 2012) and i'm have problem with mangosd.exe randomly getting a random run time library debug error which looks like this


I attached the server.log file. the error seems to be occurring at random, or when ever i log out or exit the game client, and when i log back in i find all my items, skills, spells, and spent talent points are gone. any help on the matter would be appreciated.

[attachment deleted by admin]

6 answers to this question

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As per your error log, you either have configured no character database in mangosd.conf, or deleted a few tables.

Check your character database, and compare it with the dump included, and check if you have properly set all configuration values in mangosd.conf.


so i checked my characters database found one missing table put it in, now i'm still getting the debug error on log out or at random intervals, but when i log back in i my character isn't empty any more


There's at least 2 missing tables from what the Server.log would tell: character_inventory and character_reputation. Are you sure you've added them both in? Are these events totally random or can you pinpoint something specific you were doing when it happened except for logging out?


from what i can tell the error seems to occur for logging/exiting, using the .save and .saveall commands, occasionally it seem to happen with me just running through orgrimmar, or when using the taxi waypoints,


Of course it will happen frequently, because the server frequently will try to save your character state.

You should have these tables in the character database:

  • [li]auction[/li]

Executing SHOW TABLES; in MySQL should show these. If not, import the missing tables, or if you are upgrading from a very very much older mangos-zero version, apply the updates.


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