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Missing an update, but cant find it anywhere.. realmd - revision_refactor and dbdocs




Hi Team!

I am trying to run mangos two on debian but keep running into this problem.

when executing the command


i get the following.

mangos@nas:~/wow/bin$ ./realmd
21000 [realm-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file ../etc/realmd.conf.
Login Database total connections: 2
MySQL client library: 5.6.27
MySQL server ver: 5.6.27-2
MySQL client library: 5.6.27
MySQL server ver: 5.6.27-2
The table `db_version` indicates that your [Realmd] database does not match the expected version!

 [A] You have database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 0
                   Description: revision_refactor

 [b] You need database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 2
                   Description: dbdocs update

You are missing content updates or you have content updates beyond the expected core version.
It is recommended to run ALL database updates up to the required core version.
These updates are included in the database/Realmd/Updates folder.
No valid realms specified.

I understand there should be an update

I have tried all updates from rel18 to rel21, nothing works.

Any help would be appreciated!:cool:

2 answers to this question

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The content updates are optional. With missing a content update, you will miss at worst a boss or a quest. The reason why the core does not start is here:

No valid realms specified.

It means that your `realmlist` table in the `realm` DB has no (or incorrect) entry for you realm. In the table, realm ID (to match to the config data), realm name and server, client version etc. should be defined. Unfortunately, I cannot help further because never have tried the Two.


Thanks for the quick reply!

Ahh i get it now, the first error about the updates wasnt what was stopping my server from running.

Turned out i missed a step in the setup process, which was

mysql -u root -p realmd < /home/mangos/database/Tools/updateRealm.sql

Its up and running now!


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