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Posts posted by Stab

  1. I wonder how this will effect smaller test servers in the future now. Friday, a California court found in favor of Blizzard and has ordered the owner of WoW Scape to pay 88 million dollars including 85 million dollars in statutory damages. http://www.rfcexpress.com/lawsuit.asp?ID=51340

    FINAL JUDGMENT by Judge Stephen V. Wilson,Pursuant to the Courts July 22, 2010 and August 10, 2010 Orders Granting Plaintiffs Motion for Default Judgment, it is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that Plaintiff Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. shall recover $88,594,539.00, and post-judgment interest thereon at the rate provided by law until paid in full, from Defendant Alyson Reeves, d/b/aScapegaming. 24 . ( MD JS-6. Case Terminated ) (pj) (Entered: 08/11/2010)

    The total reward of $88,594,589 comes from $3,053,339 of inappropriate profits, $63,600 of attorney's fees, and $85,478,600 of statutory damages.

  2. Tested with rev 10021 and works great!

    Dismounting tested in dalaran and orgrimmar and fishing works in dalaran too, awesome!

    mangosd start up time without vmap_rewrite (rev 10021): ~35secs

    mangosd start up time with vmap_rewrite (rev 10021): ~40secs

    both with udb 391 and without sd2

    For me it's less then 10 second crash or restart recovery using CentOS 5, 8 x 2.24GHz process, and 24GB of RAM. This is with rewrite enabled, my own fixes, cherry-picked comments from repos like Insider and RSA along with a very thin SD2 using only guards_ai and my custom instance and NPC scripts,

  3. I think you can add it into instance_template and it will work or something like that.

    Any other map, thats correct, but oddly enough ED does not, you put in a go command and nothing happens. You need to change the map type to 0 in the DBC. IIRC it has a map type 6 rather then the normal types like 4 for arena etc, this is most likely the reason since the type isn't defined in the core.

  4. sure thing, http://filebeam.com/5257952917815e976387bb30c8b5865a - built in release

    included libmpq.lib should you ever need it

    This only assmbles 261 files then says complete.. could you upload your vmaps from the changes

    C:\\Users\\Public\\Games\\WoW>vmap_assembler.exe buildings vmaps splitConfig.txt

    Read coordinate mapping...

    spawning Map 0

    min GUID: 15882, max GUID: 3016700

    Converting Model Files

    Converting Alekegs01.m2

    Converting Alteracladder01.m2

    Converting Alteracwatertower.m2

    Converting Anvil.m2

    Converting Az_Deadmines_A.wmo

    Converting Az_Deadmines_C.wmo

    Converting Badlandssunkenwagon.m2

    Converting Barnaclerock01_04.m2

    Converting Barrel02.m2

    Converting Battlegladeshield3.m2

    Converting Blastedlandsbone01.m2

    Converting Bloodymeat01.m2

    Converting Bloodymeat02.m2

    Converting Boarskull.m2

    Converting Bottle01.m2

    Converting Bottlesmoke.m2

    Converting Brokenbarrel02.m2

    Converting Brokencart.m2

    Converting Burnedbeam.m2

    Converting Butterchurner.m2

    Converting Cage02.m2

    Converting Candleoff01.m2

    Converting Candleoff02.m2

    Converting Candleoff03.m2

    Converting Carnosaurskull.m2

    Converting Catapultbeam.m2

    Converting Cavekoboldbucket.m2

    Converting Caveminecar01.m2

    Converting Caveminecarwrecked01.m2

    Converting Caveminecarwrecked02.m2

    Converting Caveminewheelbarrow01.m2

    Converting Cemetarygate01.m2

    Converting Chest02.m2

    Converting Coffin.m2

    Converting Coffinlid.m2

    Converting Collisionwallpvp01.m2

    Converting Crate01.m2

    Converting Crate02.m2

    Converting Crate03.m2

    Converting Crategrain01.m2

    Converting Crategrainempty.m2

    Converting Crategrainlid.m2

    Converting Crategrainopen.m2

    Converting Darkshorelog01.m2

    Converting Darkshorelog02.m2

    Converting Deadcow.m2

    Converting Deadminecargoboxes.m2

    Converting Deadminecargonet01.m2

    Converting Deadminecargonetboxes.m2

    Converting Deadminecargonethang.m2

    Converting Deadminepowderkeg.m2

    Converting Deadmule.m2

    Converting Deadseamonster.m2

    Converting Dirtmound01.m2

    Converting Distillery.m2

    Converting Duskscarecrow.m2

    Converting Duskwood_Barn.wmo

    Converting Duskwood_Human_Farm.wmo

    Converting Duskwood_Humantwostory.wmo

    Converting Duskwood_Inn.wmo

    Converting Duskwood_Stable.wmo

    Converting Duskwoodabandoned_Barn.wmo

    Converting Duskwoodabandoned_Blacksmith.wmo

    Converting Duskwoodabandoned_Human_Farm.wmo

    Converting Duskwoodabandoned_Humantwostory.wmo

    Converting Duskwoodbench.m2

    Converting Duskwoodbookshelf02.m2

    Converting Duskwoodchapel.wmo

    Converting Duskwoodfencebottom.m2

    Converting Duskwoodfencebottombroken.m2

    Converting Duskwoodfencerail.m2

    Converting Duskwoodfencetop.m2

    Converting Duskwoodfencetopbroken.m2

    Converting Duskwoodfootlocker01.m2

    Converting Duskwoodgate01.m2

    Converting Duskwoodgraveframe.m2

    Converting Duskwoodhaywagon.m2

    Converting Duskwoodhearse.m2

    Converting Duskwoodmausoleum.m2

    Converting Duskwoodruinsbeam.m2

    Converting Duskwoodshopcounter02.m2

    Converting Duskwoodtable01.m2

    Converting Duskwoodwardrobe01.m2

    Converting Duskwoodwardrobe02.m2

    Converting Elvendestroyerwreckback.wmo

    Converting Elvendestroyerwreckfront.wmo

    Converting Elwynnminecart.m2

    Converting Elwynnrock1.m2

    Converting Elwynnrock2.m2

    Converting Excavationrailingpost.m2

    Converting Excavationtentpavillion.m2

    Converting Excavationtentpavillionruined01.m2

    Converting Excavationwaterwagon.m2

    Converting Feedtroph01.m2

    Converting Firewoodpile03.m2

    Converting Fishrack.m2

    Converting Flagpole01.m2

    Converting Gatepost.m2

    Converting Gatesegment01.m2

    Converting Gatesegment02.m2

    Converting Gatesegment03.m2

    Converting Generalbearskinrug01.m2

    Converting Generalchairloend01.m2

    Converting Generalchimney02.m2

    Converting Generallantern01.m2

    Converting Generallantern02.m2

    Converting Generallantern04.m2

    Converting Generaltorch01.m2

    Converting Generalweaponrack01.m2

    Converting Generalwoodendummy02.m2

    Converting Giantseaturtle03.m2

    Converting Gnolltent02.m2

    Converting Gnolltent03.m2

    Converting Goblet02.m2

    Converting Greatwall_Gate.wmo

    Converting Greatwall_Wall_04.wmo

    Converting Grindstone.m2

    Converting Guardtower.wmo

    Converting Harness.m2

    Converting Humansignpost04.m2

    Converting Humantentlarge.m2

    Converting Humantentmedium.m2

    Converting Innbarrel.m2

    Converting Jar01.m2

    Converting Jar02.m2

    Converting Jar03.m2

    Converting Jug01.m2

    Converting Jug02.m2

    Converting Kn_Brokencart.m2

    Converting Ld_Shadowfang.wmo

    Converting Md_Cryptonerm.wmo

    Converting Md_Mountaincave_Medium.wmo

    Converting Md_Spidermine.wmo

    Converting Md_Spidermine_Nokobolds.wmo

    Converting Meatwagonbody.m2

    Converting Meatwagonclaw.m2

    Converting Meatwagongrill.m2

    Converting Meatwagonroller.m2

    Converting Meatwagonwheel.m2

    Converting Meatwagonwrecked01.m2

    Converting Moonbrookhearse.m2

    Converting Ogresmokevent01.m2

    Converting Orcbonfireoff.m2

    Converting Outhouse.m2

    Converting Plow.m2

    Converting Rakecart.m2

    Converting Redridgedocks03.m2

    Converting Redridgedockspylon01.m2

    Converting Redridgefallentree01.m2

    Converting Redridgefallentree01Moss.m2

    Converting Redridgefallentree02.m2

    Converting Redridgefallentree02Moss.m2

    Converting Redridgerock01.m2

    Converting Replacecrate01.m2

    Converting Rowboat01.m2

    Converting Ruinedfountain.m2

    Converting Sack01.m2

    Converting Sack02.m2

    Converting Scarletbanner01.m2

    Converting Scarletbanner03.m2

    Converting Seamonsterchunk.m2

    Converting Shipwreck_A.wmo

    Converting Shipwreck_B.wmo

    Converting Silo.wmo

    Converting Silverpinetree01.m2

    Converting Silverpinetree01Fallen.m2

    Converting Silverpinetree02.m2

    Converting Silverpinetree02Fallen.m2

    Converting Silverpinetree03.m2

    Converting Silverpinetree04.m2

    Converting Silverpinetreestump01.m2

    Converting Silverpinetreestump02.m2

    Converting Smalldock.m2

    Converting Spitwood.m2

    Converting Stonesignpost01.m2

    Converting Stormwindarcherytarget01.m2

    Converting Stormwindbench01.m2

    Converting Stormwindcrate01.m2

    Converting Sunkenanchor.m2

    Converting Sw_Harbor_Lighthouse.wmo

    Converting Swampskulls01.m2

    Converting Tirisfallfallentree01.m2

    Converting Tirisfallfallentree03.m2

    Converting Tirisfallfallentree04.m2

    Converting Tirisfallfountain.m2

    Converting Tirisfallgladecanopytree02.m2

    Converting Tirisfallgladecanopytree03.m2

    Converting Tirisfallgladecanopytree04.m2

    Converting Tirisfallgladecanopytree05.m2

    Converting Tirisfallgladecanopytree06.m2

    Converting Tirisfallgladecanopytree07.m2

    Converting Tirisfallopengrave01.m2

    Converting Tirisfalloutpost02.m2

    Converting Tirisfalloutpost03.m2

    Converting Tirisfalloutpost04.m2

    Converting Tirisfalloutpost05.m2

    Converting Tirisfalloutpost06.m2

    Converting Tirisfallstreetlamp01.m2

    Converting Tirisfalltreestump01.m2

    Converting Tirisfalltreestump02.m2

    Converting Tirisfallwindmill.m2

    Converting Tombstonemonument01.m2

    Converting Tombstonemonument02.m2

    Converting Torch.m2

    Converting Transport_Shipwreck.wmo

    Converting Well.m2

    Converting Westernplaguelandslampostbroken01.m2

    Converting Westernplaguelandslampostbroken02.m2

    Converting Westfall_Barn.wmo

    Converting Westfallbarrel01.m2

    Converting Westfallboulder01.m2

    Converting Westfallchair.m2

    Converting Westfallcrate.m2

    Converting Westfalldriftwood.m2

    Converting Westfallfarmhouseburnt.wmo

    Converting Westfallfence.m2

    Converting Westfallfenceend.m2

    Converting Westfallfencepost.m2

    Converting Westfallgrainsilo01.wmo

    Converting Westfallhaystack02.m2

    Converting Westfalllighthouse.m2

    Converting Westfallruins01.m2

    Converting Westfallruins03.m2

    Converting Westfallscarecrow.m2

    Converting Westfallshed.m2

    Converting Westfallskeleton.m2

    Converting Westfalltable.m2

    Converting Westfalltree01.m2

    Converting Westfalltree02.m2

    Converting Westfalltree03.m2

    Converting Westfalltree04.m2

    Converting Westfalltreecanopy01.m2

    Converting Westfalltreestump01.m2

    Converting Westfalltreestump02.m2

    Converting Westfallwagon01.m2

    Converting Westfallwindmill.m2

    Converting Wetlandshumandock01.wmo

    Converting Woodcross01.m2

    Converting Woodcross02.m2

    Converting Wreckedrowboat.m2

    Ok, all done


    Press any key to continue . . .

  5. it seems you only get this bug when you log off mounted

    + in WSG when you go over the tunnel you get dismounted when you should not be

    i made a hacky fix for both but it would be nice if they could be solved the right way :)

    one is it dismounts you when you log off

    other one is if your in the area id that the tunnel in wsg is in the indoor detection for pos z goes up by 9.5

    lol but it works

    Confirmed.. Other then WSG second level, this is working awesome. 31 hours uptime with 200+ peaks.

    If you could share your WSG fix, i'd be very greatful =)

  6. * compile libmpq (located in contrib/libmpq/win)

    * copy contents of contrib/vmap_extract_assembler_bin to WoW directory

    There is no /win folder in libmpq

    using the .exe's in vmap_extract_assembler_bin result to the current .vmap MaNGOS uses. You have to pull the .exe files from each projects /bin folder as they save there not in /vmap_extract_assembler_bin.

    /sigh still trying.. but I'm still only getting Map 0 stuff. After each try I have deleted my buildings and vmaps folders.

    Here is what I have done.. maybe i'm missing something..

    First in VC90 I compiled /contrib vmap_extractor_v2 in release and took /contrib vmap_extractor_v2/bin/bin/Win32/ReleaseAS/vmap_extract_v2.exe and put it in my WoW client folder.

    Next in VC90 I compiled /contrib/vmap_assembler in release and took /contrib/vmap_assembler/Release/vmap_assenbler.exe and put in my WoW folder.

    Lastly I took the makevmaps_SIMPLE and the splitConfig.txt and put them both in WoW and ran the SIMPLE bat file.

    Now if I run the bat like that, after it list all the mats loaded It just sits at a propt after the new Ruby map. never quits nor starts assemble like it should.

    If I redo the bat file leaving out vmapextract so it starts at mdvmaps then it only makes the vmtile and vmo files of map 0 into vmaps and then propts completed.

  7. I hope i fixed that one, and it finally has no reason to crash anymore.

    I really wasn't aware that WMO group files without collision geometry get extracted too, the intersection code may have caused problems with that too, so i properly check for that now.

    Maybe they are of no use, but i'm not sure yet.

    No longer crashes but now it's only converting map 0 WMO files. You then get completed and then closes when you press any key to continue. Result is a less then 100Mb vmaps folder 000_27_29.vmtile - 001_25_39.vmtile and all the vmo files are from map 0 like stormwind.vmo, undercity.vmo, ironforge.vmo but no darnasus.vmo.. no orgramar.vmo none for any instance, northlend or outlands either.

  8. Just jound a bug in extractor that caused a crash when enGB (first search locale) was not present.

    Also improved scan code to not print irritating errors for not installed locales.

    But i have no clue why assembler fails, need more detailed information.

    How many files did extractor create? How big is the dir_bin file created? Maybe a checksum (MD5 or SHA1) would also help, but i'm not sure it's really locale independent...

    What exactly means "hang"? 100% CPU usage? Memory usage?

    It should definitely go til "Spawning Map 724" before starting printing that Guid ranges, and after that printing which model file it converts...

    It runs a bunch of guid's then..

    Converting Model Files

    Converting 1000Needlesbridge.wmo


    Then you get a pop-up window that the application quit and cmd.exe then says pause hit any key to continue and closes when you do.

    It always happens at that same point too trying both your and Faramar's assembler. You have to relaunch assembler after extracting too as it lists the full list of maps inclding the new Ruby 724 but then just hangs.

    As for the enGB issue, I posted a soltion that worked for me. I changed enGB to enUS and enUS to enGB and ran visual studio again and that got extactor to work.

  9. vmapExtractor_VC90.sln (from Lynx3d branch)

    Windows XP SP2 Visual c++ 2008 with SDK6.1

    Client build 11723 enUS

    and crashed at attempt to execute

    I got this too, in the extract project search for enGB... change the enGB to enUS and change enUS on the next line to enGB save and recompile.

    This is what I did and extract is currently running now instead of crashing on that error

  10. What I did and it seems to help is..

    I exported all the spirit healers from creature, created new unused guid's changed the npc id to a bruiser and impoted and then rinse and repeated twice. You now have three anti-pvp guards at all graveyards.

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