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Posts posted by Svarr_

  1. Isn't this the wrong thread for this? Either way, this isn't hard. You simply do this:

    • Place ad.exe, vmapExtractor.exe, and vmap_Assembler.exe in your Lich King folder
    • Open a command prompt in your Lich King folder. You can do this in Windows 7 by holding the left shift key, right-clicking on your Lich King folder, and choosing "Open command window here"
    • Type ad.exe, press enter, and wait for it to finish
    • Type vmapExtractor.exe, press enter, and wait for it to finish
    • Type mkdir vmaps and press enter
    • Type vmap_assembler.exe buildings vmaps, press enter, and let it finish
    • Once it finishes you may close the command window

    You will now have your dbc, maps, and vmaps folders with the correct data in them. Copy them into your server folder in Windows or transfer them to you Linux server and place them in the MaNGOS installation directory there. You may now start your server.

    Isn't there a way to let the extractor binarys create a log file?
  2. It looks like you havent extracted the vmaps from your client.

    Have you read the log yourself?

    2013-02-26 20:14:26 ERROR:VMap file './vmaps/000.vmtree' is missing or point to wrong version vmap file, redo vmaps with latest vmap_assembler.exe program
    2013-02-26 20:14:26 ERROR:Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.

    It tells you what you have to do.

  3. Yay! After a long break I'm back.

    ...and I have an issue right away. Yesterday I compiled MaNGOS without errors, everything worked. Now, after I merged the new-ai branch, I get compiling errors. :(

    Here are the relevant parts of the Build log:

    11>------ Build started: Project: game, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
    10>  AuthSocket.cpp
    10>  BufferedSocket.cpp
    11>  pchdef.cpp
    10>  Main.cpp
    10>  PatchHandler.cpp
    10>  RealmList.cpp
    10>  WheatyExceptionReport.cpp
    10>     Creating library ..\\..\\bin\\Win32_Release\\realmd.lib and object ..\\..\\bin\\Win32_Release\\realmd.exp
    10>  realmd.vcxproj -> D:\\MangosSrc\\win\\VC100\\..\\..\\bin\\Win32_Release\\realmd.exe
    11>  AccountMgr.cpp
    11>  AchievementMgr.cpp
    11>  AggressorAI.cpp
    11>  ArenaTeam.cpp
    11>  ArenaTeamHandler.cpp
    11>  AuctionHouseBot.cpp
    11>  AuctionHouseHandler.cpp
    11>  AuctionHouseMgr.cpp
    11>  Bag.cpp
    11>  BattleGround.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundAA.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundAB.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundRB.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundAV.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundBE.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundDS.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundEY.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundHandler.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundIC.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundMgr.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundNA.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundRL.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundRV.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundSA.cpp
    11>  BattleGroundWS.cpp
    11>  Calendar.cpp
    11>  CalendarHandler.cpp
    11>  Camera.cpp
    11>  Channel.cpp
    11>  ChannelHandler.cpp
    11>  ChannelMgr.cpp
    11>  CharacterDatabaseCleaner.cpp
    11>  CharacterHandler.cpp
    11>  Chat.cpp
    11>  ChatHandler.cpp
    11>  CombatHandler.cpp
    11>  ConfusedMovementGenerator.cpp
    11>  Corpse.cpp
    11>  Creature.cpp
    11>  CreatureAI.cpp
    11>  CreatureAIRegistry.cpp
    11>  CreatureAISelector.cpp
    11>  CreatureEventAI.cpp
    11>  CreatureEventAIMgr.cpp
    11>  CreatureLinkingMgr.cpp
    11>  DBCStores.cpp
    11>  debugcmds.cpp
    11>  DuelHandler.cpp
    11>  DynamicObject.cpp
    11>  FleeingMovementGenerator.cpp
    11>  FollowerReference.cpp
    11>  GameEventMgr.cpp
    11>  GameObject.cpp
    11>  GMTicketHandler.cpp
    11>  GMTicketMgr.cpp
    11>  GossipDef.cpp
    11>  GridMap.cpp
    11>  GridNotifiers.cpp
    11>  GridStates.cpp
    11>  Group.cpp
    11>  GroupHandler.cpp
    11>  GroupReference.cpp
    11>  GuardAI.cpp
    11>  Guild.cpp
    11>  GuildHandler.cpp
    11>  GuildMgr.cpp
    11>  HomeMovementGenerator.cpp
    11>  HostileRefManager.cpp
    11>  IdleMovementGenerator.cpp
    11>  InstanceData.cpp
    11>  Item.cpp
    11>  ItemEnchantmentMgr.cpp
    11>  ItemHandler.cpp
    11>  Level0.cpp
    11>  Level1.cpp
    11>  Level2.cpp
    11>  Level3.cpp
    11>  LFGHandler.cpp
    11>  LootHandler.cpp
    11>  LootMgr.cpp
    11>  Mail.cpp
    11>  MailHandler.cpp
    11>  Map.cpp
    11>  MapManager.cpp
    11>  MapPersistentStateMgr.cpp
    11>  MassMailMgr.cpp
    11>  MiscHandler.cpp
    11>  MotionMaster.cpp
    11>  MoveMap.cpp
    11>  MovementGenerator.cpp
    11>  MovementHandler.cpp
    11>  MoveSpline.cpp
    11>  MoveSplineInit.cpp
    11>  packet_builder.cpp
    11>  spline.cpp
    11>  util.cpp
    11>  NPCHandler.cpp
    11>  NullCreatureAI.cpp
    11>  Object.cpp
    11>  ObjectAccessor.cpp
    11>  ObjectGridLoader.cpp
    11>  ObjectMgr.cpp
    11>  ObjectGuid.cpp
    11>  ObjectPosSelector.cpp
    11>  Opcodes.cpp
    11>  PathFinder.cpp
    11>  Pet.cpp
    11>  PetAI.cpp
    11>  PetHandler.cpp
    11>  PetitionsHandler.cpp
    11>  Player.cpp
    11>  PlayerbotAI.cpp
    11>  PlayerbotClassAI.cpp
    11>  PlayerbotDeathKnightAI.cpp
    11>  PlayerbotDruidAI.cpp
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotClassAI.cpp(187): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotClassAI.cpp(203): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotClassAI.cpp(220): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotClassAI.cpp(236): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
    11>  PlayerbotHunterAI.cpp
    11>  PlayerbotMageAI.cpp
    11>  PlayerbotMgr.cpp
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotAI.cpp(9215): error C2065: 'MAIL_ITEM' : undeclared identifier
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotAI.cpp(9215): error C2051: case expression not constant
    11>  PlayerbotPaladinAI.cpp
    11>  PlayerbotPriestAI.cpp
    11>  PlayerbotRogueAI.cpp
    11>  PlayerbotShamanAI.cpp
    11>  PlayerbotWarlockAI.cpp
    11>  PlayerbotWarriorAI.cpp
    11>  PlayerDump.cpp
    11>  PointMovementGenerator.cpp
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotShamanAI.cpp(363): warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotShamanAI.cpp(375): warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotShamanAI.cpp(386): warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotShamanAI.cpp(391): warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotShamanAI.cpp(401): warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?
    11>..\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotShamanAI.cpp(454): warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?
    11>  PoolManager.cpp
    11>  QueryHandler.cpp
    11>  QuestDef.cpp
    11>  QuestHandler.cpp
    11>  RandomMovementGenerator.cpp
    11>  ReactorAI.cpp
    11>  ReputationMgr.cpp
    11>  ScriptMgr.cpp
    11>  SkillDiscovery.cpp
    11>  SkillExtraItems.cpp
    11>  SkillHandler.cpp
    11>  SocialMgr.cpp
    11>  Spell.cpp
    11>  SpellAuras.cpp
    11>  SQLStorages.cpp
    11>  TransportSystem.cpp
    11>  UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp
    11>  SpellEffects.cpp
    11>  SpellHandler.cpp
    11>  SpellMgr.cpp
    11>  StatSystem.cpp
    11>  TargetedMovementGenerator.cpp
    11>  TaxiHandler.cpp
    11>  TemporarySummon.cpp
    11>  ThreatManager.cpp
    11>  Totem.cpp
    11>  TotemAI.cpp
    11>  TradeHandler.cpp
    11>  Transports.cpp
    11>  Unit.cpp
    11>  UpdateData.cpp
    11>  Vehicle.cpp
    11>  VehicleHandler.cpp
    11>  VoiceChatHandler.cpp
    11>  WaypointManager.cpp
    11>  WaypointMovementGenerator.cpp
    11>  Weather.cpp
    11>  World.cpp
    11>  OutdoorPvP.cpp
    11>  OutdoorPvPEP.cpp
    11>  OutdoorPvPGH.cpp
    11>  OutdoorPvPHP.cpp
    11>  OutdoorPvPMgr.cpp
    11>  OutdoorPvPNA.cpp
    11>  OutdoorPvPSI.cpp
    11>  OutdoorPvPTF.cpp
    11>  OutdoorPvPZM.cpp
    11>  WorldSession.cpp
    11>  WorldSocket.cpp
    11>  WorldSocketMgr.cpp
    11>  BIH.cpp
    11>  DynamicTree.cpp
    11>  GameObjectModel.cpp
    11>  MapTree.cpp
    11>  ModelInstance.cpp
    11>  TileAssembler.cpp
    11>  VMapFactory.cpp
    11>  VMapManager2.cpp
    11>  WorldModel.cpp
    12>------ Build started: Project: mangosd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
    12>  stdsoap2.cpp
    12>  soapServer.cpp
    12>  soapC.cpp
    12>  MaNGOSsoap.cpp
    12>  CliRunnable.cpp
    12>  Main.cpp
    12>  Master.cpp
    12>  RASocket.cpp
    12>..\\..\\dep\\src\\gsoap\\stdsoap2.cpp(835): warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from 'std::streamsize' to 'size_t', possible loss of data
    12>  WorldRunnable.cpp
    12>  WheatyExceptionReport.cpp
    12>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'D:\\MangosSrc\\win\\VC100\\game__Win32_Release\\game.lib'
    ========== Build: 10 succeeded, 2 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

  4. I just tested it, co works. :D Or it works IF the pull cmd is not useable yet. Because I still get the msg that there is no pb tank in the party.

    This one is not so important to me, but the bots can't use flight mounts properly. I mostly use the .tele cmd to travel (yeah, I'm lazy) and the bots are at the latest then ported to my position, so this has time I think.

    But the huntress is still not using her bow btw...

  5. Combat orders have been fixed but not pushed. See this issue.
    Awesome! You guys rule! :D
    Talents do not, of course, get magically reset if you use the character as a player bot. There might be a command to do so if you're near a trainer (see "help talent"). If talents have been set that aren't in the talent spec you've chosen, that could be causing issues. I don't recall how I coded it but that certainly raises a flag. At least I made it so that doesn't crash the server :)
    Nice. Then I might haven't saved the table for the talents, when I reinstalled mangos.


    This is a bit embarassing, but I now know why I got problems with the talent spec function. I thought that the talent points would be respent according to the chosen talent spec. But as you (kennumen) wrote, pb doesnt reset the points. In conclusion its quite obvious that pb cant applie the arcane dps mage talent spec to an mage with only 10 or so talent points spent on arcane and 55 spent on fire (I thought fire mages would be used as damage dealers). xD For I just applied the protection talent spec on my paladin and it worked just fine.

    So next thing to do is going to the class trainer and resetting the talents...

  6. There's no need for you to check out a getspec function, I meant that internally it should get the spec dynamically from the way your bot's talent tree is built rather than check it's talent spec (which may or may not be set; not in your case). In other words, the internal workings were designed specifically to rely on information always present rather than the (possibly un-)set 'talent spec'. Long winded way of saying "don't worry, be happy". I think the manual way to add talents is "[whisper] talent add (TALENT)" but just use "help talent" to get a full explanation. If that is the (sub)command and you require it, "help talent add" may give an even more detailed explanation.

    I hope there is a way to get the talent spec function running. I would like to spare me the work of adding the talents manually one by one.^^

    Hopefully the issue is solved when I have installed the update.

    Really? When I look I see two files related to r6: https://github.com/blueboy/portal/tree/new-ai/sql/playerbotai

    Okay, they weren't there and I was the culprit. Apparently 'git commit -a -m "comment"' does automatically add changed files, does automatically remove deleted files, but does not automatically add new files. My bad.

    xD Nice, then I can play WoW again (when I got GitGUI or GitBash to fetch the remote - fetching with GitGUI hadn't done anything o_O )


    It worked with GitBash. :D

    I've got one question: Does the file "FULL_playerbotai_characters_r6.sql" contain all previous updates (so that it would be enough to only apply this file to update the db after a complete reinstallation)?

    Edit #2:

    I just tested the commands for combat orders and talent specs. They still dont work. :(

    Regarding talent specs: Is it true, that the talent points get resetted after using the chars as bots? As I leveled the huntress for example, I skilled her of course. Then I used her as bot and the next time I logged on with her, the talent points weren't spent.

    If this is done deliberately, is there a way to bypass this script (or whatever is doing it)?

    OR What could be the reason why "something is gone awry"? Perhaps applie talent specs only at lvl 80?

  7. I have just fetched and reinstalled everything but I have still got required_5_playerbotai_autofollow.

    There is no r6 update file in the repo therefore it has to be required_5.

    Maybe the required_6 belongs to another repo?

    Edit: I just tried to start mangosd.exe but I got this:

    2012-08-28 09:42:43 ERROR:SQL: SELECT required_6_playerbotai_combatorders FROM playerbotai_db_version LIMIT 1
    2012-08-28 09:42:43 ERROR:query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_6_playerbotai_combatorders' in 'field list'
    2012-08-28 09:42:43 ERROR:The table `playerbotai_db_version` in your [CHARACTER] database indicates that this database is out of date!
    2012-08-28 09:42:43 ERROR:
    2012-08-28 09:42:43 ERROR:  [A] You have: --> `5_playerbotai_auto_follow.sql`
    2012-08-28 09:42:43 ERROR:
    2012-08-28 09:42:43 ERROR:  [b] You need: --> `6_playerbotai_combatorders.sql`
    2012-08-28 09:42:43 ERROR:
    2012-08-28 09:42:43 ERROR:You must apply all updates after [A] to [b] to use mangos with this database.
    2012-08-28 09:42:43 ERROR:These updates are included in the [sql/playerbotai] folder.
    2012-08-28 09:42:43 ERROR:Please read the [doc/README.Playerbot] file for instructions on updating.

    Lol, where do I get the next update file from?

    I searched in here https://github.com/blueboy/portal/tree/new-ai/sql/playerbotai and of course in my downloaded repo at the same path.

  8. There aren't any bot cmds in the command table of the mangos db. I think the /t commands are executed via script somehow (they arent GM commands).

    But I updated the playerbot ai. The table playerbotai_db_version says "required_5_playerbotai_auto_follow". But this file isnt inside of the update sql folder. So I think its at the latest version.

  9. Those commands doesnt work either. When I whisper "help orders" I get the infos, but when I try to give orders I get the message back, which usually comes when I just enter "orders". ("I have no orders. My combat delay is ..." - something like this) I tried it with assist and with tank.

    The problem with drinking I have, is that she doesnt even start drinking.

    Until now I havent used any talent specs, because I dont like templates. So I thought it would be enough to skill them how I want to while leveling. But the skillpoints will be resetted when I spawn them as bots, am I right?

    Anyway. I used the "talent spec" command today for the first time. It didnt work. -_- I always get the msg "The talent spec has been set active but could not be applied. It appears something has gone awry."

    And btw, isnt the fire talent spec for mages dd too?

  10. I pulled mangos and new-ai and recompiled it, just in case my version was old.

    For me its still not possible to give combat orders. I tried it, as kennumen wrote, with e.g. "/w bot tank" but I got the "What? ..." message back. The same when I enter "/w bot assist myself" which is mentioned in the commandlist. When I enter the old command ".bot co botname tank" nothing happens at all, but this is most likely because of the changes.

    At least I found the follow range commands xD


    I cant find a command to view what the bot has in his inventory. He repeatedly says "I could use a drink." but doesnt drink. I wanted to look if he even has anything to drink. Now I have to log out... xD

    Edit #2:

    Alright, she has drinks. Doesn't the bot eat and drink automatically?

  11. 1) Is this on WotLK new-ai?

    2) Which class is the tank? Also 6 levels is a big difference, and gear probably would be too. Frankly, it's not very reasonable to expect that tank to hold aggro. What talentspec is he?

    3) The huntress does, of course, have ammo?

    4) The mage who just stands there, does he have a wand? Does he have mana-regaining skills not on cooldown that are still not used? What do you expect him to do rather than 'stand there'?

    1) Yes

    2) Its a paladin.

    3) Of course ;)

    4) She's got a wand and a channeling spell for regaining mana, also there are mana potions/mana emerald.

    1) The command has been changed and is now [whisper] combat assist <target>

    In-game help reflects this change. Of course, at the time of writing blueboy was correct, the new way is so far only for WotLK new-ai.

    2) A ranged class [with a ranged weapon] should remain ranged regardless of who the assist target is. I doubt they would go back out of range after losing aggro, however (which is something they should do). The assist command is mainly for targetting purposes, not for movement. I always assumed it was an implicit 'protect' as well but I'm probably wrong about that, else why would there be a seperate protect command.

    3) The assist command should work just fine regardless of whether the player or a bot is the target. Of course with a player or a bot with few settings, assumptions need to be made. Also, playerbot is at its best when grouped.

    These changes are made in the master branch right?

    @blueboy: portalone/onenew-ai means playerbot for mangos one?

    Which branch should I use now? Im confused... xD

  12. <edited>

    Hi, I'm a noob and French developper. ^^ (sorry)

    I've read and almost understood all this topic.

    I have installed a v3.3.5(12340) of Wow and I followed all the steps of this tut.

    (The ad.exe didn't work then I Downloaded the official one on github. is this tut for a lower version of Wow ? For my version, I need the official version of mangos ? I must also have a new version of the db ? And finally what is scriptdev0 ? does the last version of mangos posseses one version of that working with the 3.5.5 ? Does the scriptdev0 works with the 3.5.5 ? )

    Ok now I understand. mangos zero is for Wow Classic. I need the same thing as tutorial for mangos master and it would work.

    Do you have the same git for mangos master ?

    Sorry for mispells and thanks

    I got a .doc tutorial file from the old forum I think. But the link to the archives, which was on the getmangos.eu page, is gone. But I just found this thread. The link to the tutorial files is in the second post.
  13. How close is the huntress to the victim as combat starts? In close combat, ranged attackers will change to melee attack for self protection. I'm sure you have tried attacking a target from a distance, also without success.

    Yes, I did. What I havent tried yet, is to command her directly to attack sth. But I dont think this would help. Either she would stand where she is or she would run to close range. Its btw only a matter of normal attacking - the spells (like arcane arrow) work.

  14. These are the constellations I tried:

    Playing tank + Bot firemage assisting tank and Bot hunter assisting firemage

    Playing firemage + Bot tank and Bot hunter assisting player

    Playing firemage + Bot tank and Bot hunter assisting tank

    None have worked. :( The huntress is still not attacking with her bow.

    A few things occured to me:

    • While playing the tank, I got an int buff from the mage. Nothing serious but it is wasteful
    • The firemage got oom after a few seconds - just standing there and waiting for mana oO
    • As I played the firemage it seemed to me that the tank is not using any spells. (I let him start the fight with an attack command - maybe that is the problem)
    • Also the tank has got problems maintaining the aggro (but this could easily be, because of me *cast all the spells :D* and/or the level differences (tank: 65, mage: 71))
  15. To set combat orders for 'assist'

    (Note: make sure you use '/s' say rather than '/w' whisper)

    For a ranged assist, choose a bot that will hold back from the combat (i.e healer).

    /s .bot co <bot name> assist <healer name>

    For a dps assist, choose a bot the tank.

    /s .bot co <bot name> assist <tank name>

    Hope this helps

    Actually no... I dont have any healer yet.^^

    There is still the problem that the hunter does not do ranged attacks. Today I will try to unequip the axe and hope that she won't fight bare handed then... Maybe its just a broken script which should tell the bot when to use which weapon. (or something like this oO)

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