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Everything posted by TheMagicCactus

  1. Hello Mangos Forum , i'm here to ask you help ! =) So i've created a WoW private server under Mangos , based on this video : ==> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN53lY6rf9g. I do everything as told , it works perfectly , but when i log on , and select the server , i get disconnected right away. And my mangosd tells me : 2010-08-13 18:02:27 SQL: SELECT a.id, a.gmlevel, a.sessionkey, a.last_ip, a.locked, a.v, a.s, a.expansion, a.mutetime, a.locale, a_fp.accountid, a_fp.realmID, a_fp.security FROM account AS a LEFT JOIN account_forcepermission as a_fp on a.id = a_fp.AccountID WHERE username = 'MYUSERNAME' 2010-08-13 18:02:27 query ERROR: Table 'realmd.account_forcepermission' doesn't exist 2010-08-13 18:02:42 SQL: SELECT `text`, `next` FROM `broadcast_strings` ORDER BY RAND(); 2010-08-13 18:02:42 query ERROR: Table 'custom.broadcast_strings' doesn't exist So if anyone here had this probleme and knows the answer , or anybody else could help , that would be really great!! Thank you for your attention , see you soon World of Warcraft by Mangos The Magic Cactus
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